MD playing Nord Lead 2x Problem - Sound from only 1 MIDI Machine

I cannot get my Machinedrum SPS-1 Mk II UW+ (running OS 1.63) to trigger sounds from more than 1 MIDI machine. I have assigned MIDI machines to tracks 9-16 within a kit, and in Global, chose slot 1, and base channels 1-4. I then assigned specific notes (C2, D2, etc.) to each of the MIDI machine tracks. I chose my desired patch (let’s call it patch A) on the first Program slot on the Nord Lead 2x (of which it has 4). I am now getting patch A playing through trig 9 and track 9. I am not getting sound from any of the other tracks i’ve assigned MIDI machines and specific notes to (10-16).

I’ve trial-and-errored my way through everything I could find in the manual, including Control Changes on the MIDI machine, and I’m still lost. I’ve also done everything possible within the Nord Lead 2x. The only work-around I’ve found has been to assign a patch (B, C, and/or D) to one of the other Nord Program slots, and run it through MIDI slot 2. However, this essentially means I’m running 1 synthesizer per note, and have to manage each synth’s effects on the Nord separately, which is a total nightmare. Furthermore, it limits me to a total of 4 notes, 1 for each Nord Program slot.

Before buying this Machinedrum, I borrowed a friend’s Machinedrum SPS-1 Mk II UW for 2 weeks to test different functionality, including this one. I successfully ran 8 different notes from a single Nord patch simultaneously through MIDI machines assigned to tracks 9-16. In short, I succeeded to do on his MD what I’m failing to do on mine.

Can anyone help me troubleshoot this further? I’ve run through 21 pages of topics on this forum, and have scoured MIDI-related items for clues on a fix, but unless I’ve missed something, I haven’t found my answer, or a similar question. I’m a MIDI noob (clearly), and there’s probably something really simple I’m missing here. Thanks, in advance, for any assistance you’re willing to provide, and let me know if there’s more information I should be providing!

The Machinedrum MIDI machines send MIDI information on MIDI channel numbers that are equal to the Machinedrum track numbers, so that track number 9 only transmits on MIDI channel 9. This is described on page A-12 of the MD manual.
Edit: JSZ pointed out in a later post that this is not true.

On the Nord Lead 2X, you need to set the MIDI channel numbers of the four slots to the same numbers as the MD tracks MIDI channels on which you are using MIDI machines.

For example, if you have MIDI machines on tracks that use channels 9, 10, 11, and 12 of the MD, set up the NL2X so that slots A, B, C, and D are set to MIDI channels 9, 10, 11, and 12 respectively.

The MD can sequence three notes at a time on each track and you can use parameter locks to sequence different triads of notes on each step of the sequencer.

Peter - Thanks for the quick reply!

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’ve essentially described the work-around I detailed in my 2nd paragraph. The slots from the NL2X we’re referring to are patch slots, not MIDI slots. So this approach means that I’m limited to 4 notes (or as you pointed out in your last paragraph, 4 chords/triads) across 4 MIDI tracks. What if I wanted to play C2 on step 1, C3 on step 5, D1 on Step 9, D2 on step 11, and C4 on step 13, for example? I’ve done this successfully before, on a MD.

I’m suggesting that I should be able to leverage up to 16 MIDI Machines on the Machinedrum to play 1 patch/synth parts, not just a single note from up to 4 patches/synth parts. If I did that, I’d have to carefully replicate any synth parameter settings across 4 patches on the NL2X every time I wanted to make a minor change to a sound. Furthermore, I’d have to create entirely new kits if I wanted to construct MD Songs using notes other than the 4 I’d selected for the first pattern. Needless to say, this is extremely limiting, and time-consuming.

Thanks again for the feedback, but unless I misunderstood something, I’m not sure that this is what I’m looking for.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think you’ve essentially described the work-around I detailed in my 2nd paragraph. The slots from the NL2X we’re referring to are patch slots, not MIDI slots. So this approach means that I’m limited to 4 notes (or as you pointed out in your last paragraph, 4 chords/triads) across 4 MIDI tracks. What if I wanted to play C2 on step 1, C3 on step 5, D1 on Step 9, D2 on step 11, and C4 on step 13, for example? I’ve done this successfully before, on a MD.


No. You are not limited to one note per track on the MD. As I mentioned before, use parameter locks on the NOTE parameter in the MIDI machine to change the note that is played on each step.

Make sure that you are in EXTENDED mode on the MD in order to be able to use parameter locks.


I’m suggesting that I should be able to leverage up to 16 MIDI Machines on the Machinedrum to play 1 patch/synth parts, not just a single note from up to 4 patches/synth parts. If I did that, I’d have to carefully replicate any synth parameter settings across 4 patches on the NL2X every time I wanted to make a minor change to a sound. Furthermore, I’d have to create entirely new kits if I wanted to construct MD Songs using notes other than the 4 I’d selected for the first pattern. Needless to say, this is extremely limiting, and time-consuming.

Thanks again for the feedback, but unless I misunderstood something, I’m not sure that this is what I’m looking for.[/quote]

As I mentioned before, the 16 possible MIDI machines on the MD are forced to play on different MIDI channels.
Edit: JSZ pointed out in a later post that this is not true.


No. You are not limited to one note per track on the MD. As I mentioned before, use parameter locks on the NOTE parameter in the MIDI machine to change the note that is played on each step.

Make sure that you are in EXTENDED mode on the MD in order to be able to use parameter locks.[/quote]
Peter, DOOD - What you’ve said makes a lot of sense! I’m sorry I didn’t understand before… I must admit I haven’t started playing around with parameter locks yet. I can’t wait to try what you suggested when I get home later!

It sounds like this opens a whole other world of possibilities for me… like making all of my note changes for a single external patch within a single MIDI Machine (rather than wasting additional tracks for more notes), and programming up to 4 different, dynamic synth parts using only 4 tracks, off just the NL2X ! Thanks a lot! I’ll let you know how it goes later… :+1:

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No. You are not limited to one note per track on the MD. As I mentioned before, use parameter locks on the NOTE parameter in the MIDI machine to change the note that is played on each step.

Make sure that you are in EXTENDED mode on the MD in order to be able to use parameter locks.[/quote]
Peter, DOOD - What you’ve said makes a lot of sense! I’m sorry I didn’t understand before… I must admit I haven’t started playing around with parameter locks yet. I can’t wait to try what you suggested when I get home later!

It sounds like this opens a whole other world of possibilities for me… like making all of my note changes for a single external patch within a single MIDI Machine (rather than wasting additional tracks for more notes), and programming up to 4 different, dynamic synth parts using only 4 tracks, off just the NL2X ! Thanks a lot! I’ll let you know how it goes later… :+1: [/quote]

Parameter locks are perhaps the best feature of the MD and all the other Elektron instruments. I strongly recommend that you follow the entire ‘Quick Start’ tutorial on pages 10 to 12 of the MD manual to learn how you can use parameter locks on the MD’s synthesis machines as well as the MIDI machines.


This is not true. The channel on which the MIDI machine operates corresponds to the machine number, not the MD track number. For example, you can have several instances of the MID01 machine and they will operate on MIDI channel one, regardless of the MD track(s) they are on.

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This is not true. The channel on which the MIDI machine operates corresponds to the machine number, not the MD track number. For example, you can have several instances of the MID01 machine and they will operate on MIDI channel one, regardless of the MD track(s) they are on.[/quote]
You’re right! Apologies to anyone reading the thread. I will go back and edit my previous incorrect statements. Thanks!

Peter and JSZ- Thanks to you both, I have the MD MIDI functioning as I want it to! I appreciate it!

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