MD program change LAG

got a problem:

i am using OT as the master, going into MD, and thru to MnM. the OT has program change send enabled, MD and MnM have program change receive enabled. when i change patterns, the MnM responds instantly but the MD waits one cycle and has the pattern that i have already switched to cued up on the screen as in patter chaining mode, but is still playing the previous pattern.

this won’t due at all for a live set coming up next tuesday…

any ideas?


As far as I know there is not a setting to make this right, just work arounds.

  1. Use the MD as master.


  1. Set up the MD global to use note numbers for pattern change. Use a midi track on the OT for sending pattern changes to the MD. Receive program change set to off on the MD.

thx. i’ll probably just end up using MD as master. weird that it doesn’t work right and it’s never been fixed.


same here. You have to set the prog change command one bar before it has to change. Thats the work around for me in cubase. Its drive me crazy, because the easiest way for me to change pattern is via midinote, but this has a short double note at the first trig with a little decay as consequence, so i can not use it in a song.
There is missing the option like the AK change Pattern: direct start or direct jump.
Please elektron fix it, to provide for MDs charity.

i don’t sequence them from DAW though. OT controls everything. i’ve kinda gotten used to it. it’s actually kinda cool to have a new pattern playing on the other machines, but to have the MD beat linger for an additional cycle. since they haven’t fixed by now, they might as well just make it a feature and let you select how long it lingers.

i’m at work now so i can only give a vague description on how i dealt with this issue.

i had the md receive prg change msg from my mpc, but it would be laggy and unpredictable.

somewhere in the md settings you can change how it receives prg change messages - there is “gate” and two others. i can’t remember which one i used, but i think it was the one at the bottom.

this way the pattern would play as long as the midi note was held down on my mpc, so i had to program the mpc to play the message note as long as the pattern. (if it was shorter, the md would pause at the end of the pattern, which was also kinda cool…)

at least this way it would play instantly when i changed the sequence on my mpc.

it was a while back that i last thought about it, but i remember there being some issue with sending a note message to do it from the OT. i’ll look at it again with your info in mind.

Why don’t you use the possibility to change pattern by midi note ?
The change is immediat and you can keep OT master

Hav fun

yes… i am going to look into that again. i know there was a reason i didn’t do it, but i just can’t remember what it was. i seem to remember it not being possible.

elenacortes, do you do this? can you tell me how you do it?

No Matter if you use DAW or your OT. You have to set the Prog change trig one Pattern before (i.e. at the last note ) you want to change.
Set the prog change at the pattern before and set up your MD that it only change Pattern after playing the whole one.

Go to Map editor (manual p.59), choose a note for your pattern, then select Start (so the pattern will start immediatly, no delay).

Then go to your master and in the midi part (for OT) put the note at the begining of pattern, it’s done ! (be carefull to not choose a note being used in your composition. Usually i use very hight or verry low note)

This is a verry verry fun tool to create break rythm, and things like breakcore.

I use it with OT or MPC.

Hav FUn

nice tips! thank you =)