MD "scenes" kinda like OT

Hi there
I wanted to share with you a nice trick with the MD ctrl machines, although some of you already know… but anyway

You can kind of do “scences” like on the OT by using one ore more tracks with for exemple ctr-all machines aply. Then switching “scences” by mute & unmute these tracks and return to the saved kit by func+ext. It doen’t morf like on the OT, but you can stack them.
I found out 2 diffrent ways to used this tecnique…

  1. Add only one trig, do p-locks and then copy this step in to all trigs. This way it always jumps to this exactly value, when unmuting the track

  2. Set trigs on all steps, live record tweakings and then maybe remove some of those trigs. That way everytime you mute and unmute this track, it keeps the last setting of the pattern in the buffer and you have a diffrent sound.

Of course you can change the sound further at any time, and return back to the saved kit. Also, it’s starts to be really funny by combining it with a external sequencer, randomness and of course use ctrl machines for the fx…:slight_smile:
When i use my cirklon to sequence MD (like most of the time) i use the first method, because live recording also record the midi notes into the pattern. But you can sequence the ctrl machines via cirklon for even more madness…

Hope you got inspiration