MD - Song Mode pulling kit data from previous song/kit?

TLDR: After saving song/kit MD pulls previous song kit data but saves new song data on track A1?

Not sure if I’m misunderstanding the Machinedrum here, or if it’s a known quirk amongst others with MDs. I have the SPS-1UW+ with the new X.05 update (BIG THANKS to @v-yadli @JustinValer the new machines brought a ton of happiness!).

Having a strange issue with Machinedrum after saving a new song/kit. After saving both, I hit play, and the MD somehow remembers the new song/kit data on track A1 but the rest of the song reverts to recalling machines from my previous song?? Just created like a 21min progressive jungle jam and kind of in an odd state sort of sweating, so anyone with help here would be saving me from great distress. Has anyone else ever come across this issue before? I try to reload the new kit/song and playing from a different point i.e. track E3 but MD keeps taking it back to the previous stored song’s machines around 32 on a 64 scale. This also happened with the previous track in question, and it’s like the problem jumped up a slot to the new song. The song was perfectly fine until saving the kit/song. Also, on classic mode the entire new song data remains but all of my trigs disappear in doing so, and selecting extended again recalls the old kit machines.

Also, not sure if relevant, but it should be known that I may also have a faulty +drive because I cannot access the little Snapshot menu (it used to be there but disappeared), so I guess it’s like a slightly above stock MD in that sense. :thinking:

Tried everything before on other songs from reinstalling OS, reverting OS, Soft Reset, Empty reset, to no avail. Which leads me to believe I may be misunderstanding something about the MD and its storage properties. The only thing that I have yet to try is to backup both songs’ sysex data and just load one by one which I will try as soon as I get some free time.

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Okay, found the solution. It turns out for some reason saving a song changes all the active kits per pattern and I wasn’t even aware that you could have active kits per pattern like that lol. Just opened up another rabbit hole!

If anyone does experience this and cannot seem to understand like I did, don’t freak out, and erase your tracks out of frustration. Go and reload your saved kit on every pattern. Still learning this big boi.