MD: Underappreciated?

I think its a bit sad that MD owners do not enjoy a list of video tutorials as extensive as those found for other Elektron products.


  1. its an older and more mature machine
  2. arguably easier to use
  3. video capture technology was less widely used by the general public at the time.


Let’s not forget how awesome this machine really is. It upsets me that I still feel I am using only 50% of its capabilities.

For example, i use the Function+twist knobs to create sonic mayhem before reverting to the original kit.

This is the infamous video that led me to rush out and buy it:

I have never managed to get it to sound that good. And it upsets me I STILL don’t understand CTL-AL and how to implement it in my projects…

There are plenty of videos jamming, but not enough tutorials or tricks… I call on the community to strike back and give the MD the credit it deserves.

heh, [b]that[/b] video. Wesen’s MD (+ some MNM) videos repay several re-watches about how to structure stuff across a larger time-scale.

Granted that I have not actually worked with all of Elektron’s products (just half of them: MD, MNM & OT) I still think the MD is the one where the interface most perfectly matched the function.

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Couldn’t agree more on functionality. It’s frugal interface and spartan red screen perfectly complement its purpose.
Wesen’s notes rock - which videos are you referring to, I should definitely check them out.

hey I was thinking about these:

he’s basically rehearsing but has a commentary going - I found it quite helpful when I analysed about what he was doing

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This thread is trolling right? I feel the MD has been given the respect it deserves. There are a lot of videos on youtube, it’s just older so it obviously isn’t going to have the current hype that the Analog machines enjoy. I feel that the MD is a legendary classic machine and is generally recognized as such. I haven’t been using mine for months but hooked it up last night and wowww, good to have it back in the mix. Nearly five years with it and it still surprises me.

All very valid points. Don’t get me wrong, I am not suggesting others do the work for me - on the contrary. I’ve read the manual quite extensively - and bought and sold the MD 3 times :slight_smile: i have had a love/hate relationship.
I am not a professional musician, but I am in love with all things music. Playing with my gear allows me to wind down but like a few of the guys on the forum, have a regular job, a very busy life and not enough hours in the day. A 5 minute video can help me utilize the limited time I have more efficiently rather than spend 2 hours trying to understand it any other way.
Watching videos from the legendary Cuckoo, Tarekith and Dataline removes some of the machines inherent complexity. I am not calling on the community to do things for me and I will happily be a patreon for guys like Cuckoo that put in the effort to help others get better.
I wish there were more tutorials/tips/tricks to inspire those of us that have hectic lifestyles which ultimately gets in the way of our creativity.

fwiw: after 5+ years with the md, i feel essentially the same way you do, and i am still learning. interviews i’ve read with classical guitarists and pianists hint that it’s common to feel this way about mastering a deep musical instrument.

it’s not in the video format we’d both like, but i say this to everyone i come across who has remotely similar wishes, and i can’t say it emphatically or often enough:

read the old forum.

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Truth. There’s lots of spelunking to go through, but it’s a treasure trove.