MD UW Frozen

Desperate help…
my MD first acted weird, played a constant clap-like with no reason, and is now frozen. Unable to do anything.
I did a soft reset a few times. No luck. I got weird graphics appearing on the screen, even in early startup menu.
Factory reset ?..

Check the power supply and definitely a factory reset.

i can’t find my backup files, so…
it seems to be working, but maybe not for long. So i m making backups, not really used to it. C6 receives data, it reaches the end on the MD, but C6 is stuck displaying ‘receiving’. Shouldn’t it know it’s finished ?
if i stop manually i got a file created, though.

Well, it seems to be working fine now…
finger crossed, and will go on with backups as long as it’s possible.

Yep, that’s how C6 works. You have to watch the progress bar, and when it’s done, hit STOP so the MD saves the data.
Sometimes the data transfer is incomplete (you have to check within your MD to make sure all samples transferred). And sometimes C6 just stops working all together!
C6 is the biggest piece of shit. I keep complaining about it because it is so frustrating that Elektron doesn’t give us a better file management tool (C6 is like ten years old). It’s ridiculous.

Hummm. Fainted again, currently grooving back but i doubt it will last.
Any advice on my .syx file would be great !

oh cool, thanks !

i checked the power supply, it seems alright and it got frozen also when using the Octatrack PSU.
i can get it running for a while so i upgraded to 1.63 (it was still 1.62). It froze one time and now it seems to… wait… crashed again.

WELL, time to reset :

before doing a Reset, i want to be sure i m ok. (MDUW+)
i made a backup yesterday, i chose ALL when sending a sysex.
So if i make an EMPTY RESET and then load my backup file it should retrieve everything ? All snapshots ?
From what i understand it doesn’t touch the sample banks.
backup file is 774ko

can anyone confirm ?


Hey man, sorry you’re having all these issues. I am fairly sure that where the manual reads “back up the entire memory of your machinedrum” under ALL DATA SYSEX SEND on page 65, the implication is the active memory, i.e. the current snapshot.

AFAIK, choosing “ALL” will only send the data in the current snapshot. I’ve never tried backing up more than one snapshot at a time and (though I could be blind) I don’t see anything in the manual that suggests you can.

I strongly recommend backing up each of your snaps individually before resetting.

Regarding your samples, the info on the early startup menu page indicates that an EMPTY reset will not touch your samples. A FACTORY reset, however, will erase them all, so choose carefully.

Good luck!

it shouldn’t be necessary to make a backup when you have a +drive.
just save your current project in a snapshot other than the first.
then also save the active samplebank to a slot other than the first.

if you do a factory reset, the first snapshot will be restored to factory settings, and the first samplebank will load the factory samples.

an empty reset clears the first snapshot & the first samplebank.

all other snaps/samplebanks will not be touched. they will only be erased when you format the +drive, which is separate from the early startup reset options.

Thank you so much ! getting my hands dirty in a few minutes. i just hope it’s relevant so that doing this might solve the problem.

Just did a factory reset.
Made a copy of snap 01 on another snap. Made a sysex dump of samplebank 01 to the computer.
The snapshot i was working on is loading well, samplebank as well.
The MD is rocking for now, hope it will last… gig in 7 hours !

hmmm. It’s been running for 30 minutes, i thought it was solved. Then switched it off then on. Stuck on startup. Now running again. :disappointed:

Well, definitly acting chaotically now.
It’s gonna visit Sweden im afraid…