MD UW+ love

I finally got my hands on a MD UW+ for the second time and man I love this box! So much more than the Rytm!

To everyone out there owning this fine piece of now legendary drum machine, don’t sell it! you will regret it. And now it is discontinued not only it is very hard to get one but I’ve seen their prices going through the roof! Peace.


It never occurred to me to sell the MD after getting the rytm. They’re so different… not a lot of sonic overlap really. I’m psyched to do a tribute track with the MD. Keep exploring it!

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Yeah I just got another one for $550, for my old friend the uw mk1, so there’s bargains to be had out there right now.
Harder to find a monomachine though, I’ll never sell my mm
Enjoy the md

I got a Tempest in early 2012…tried to like it for a year and a half, sold it, got a Machinedrum.
I should have just gotten the Machinedrum in the first place. LOVE the thing.

I have both machinedrum and tempest and love both .
and they sound perfectly together , it’s just incredible.
MD for the very precise and clean sound and the tempest for a more "alive "and blur sound . the tempest add also so much swing and groove ! its weakness are completely solved by the machinedrum !

Hard to believe how amazing this instrument still is after having such a long life.
It’s a classic for sure.


I, just today, we able to break free of my trite notions of what each percussive sound should be like and toyed around with various voices and parameter setting to see what each percussion COULD be. I am floored by this instrument all over again.

I go through phases for which Elektron unit is my favorite, but regardless which piece I love at the time the machinedrum always holds a special place in my heart. <3


Why isn’t this topic a hundred pages long?

Just finished sketching out 4 rough track ideas on the MDUW in a couple of days. This is and will be the best designed and thought out piece of electronic music gear I ever used. It’s a weird, limited and intuitive way of top level DSP arranging that never seems to grow old, also every limitation inspires me to dive deeper, to compensate and compose. Every inch of it’s layout, every workaround, every superslowlfo trick is and has been nothing but fun.

It has been a part of my musical tools for a decade now and the only regret I have is buying more gear, distracting me from further mastering the MD.

If I could, I would and should…

…take that machinedrum, a power cable, headphones, pen and paper and spend hours with just that. :thinking:Lesson learned, I am not too late! Thank you, elektron


I’d love to hear what you came up with. I’m always looking to see how others can push the boundaries of this box. You got any of your session posted anywhere?

The Fn+knob tweak being one finger close to reload-kit combo is a blessing, very gratifying UX!
Both for experimenting and performing.

I don’t get it why it disappeared on the next machine.
Would love to see this reappear!

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As @Ryan underlined it, LFO can be assigned on any track.
I don’t see why this was lost as well.

Never selling this one <3


No sessions online, my tracks are pretty “session-y” as it is already.

The cowbell challenge recently concluded had a lot of pushing the MD(other people used other gear, but still good)(I believe it was Fang Zeen on the playlist that made CowBell Gamelan off the OT!) @LyingDalai REALLY pushed the MD for his track.

Good stuff.

I just discovered the FX CTRL machines…Beautiful…