MD-UW mk2 + Jomox MBase 11 vs Analog RYTM

Hello everyone,

So I’ve owned the RYTM for a few weeks and really dig it, however I’m curious to get opinions on owning a MD and a Jomox MBase 11 as an alternative. I really love the percussive capabilities of the MD (never owned one though) and also dig the deep low-end punch of the RYTM - the idea is to sequence the MBase 11 using the MD (and possibly send p-locks to its parameters over MIDI if that’s possible?) and have sort of a hybrid percussive/analog combination which can maybe deliver the best of both worlds.

Insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, perhaps something obvious that I’m missing that the RYTM offers as a major advantage over this setup?. Also for what it’s worth, I predominantly deal with progressive house, techno, and occasionally some more abstract stuff.

Video included below just for the hell of it. Thanks for your time :slight_smile:

The MD’s MIDI machine allows you to send over MIDI a note (or a three-note chord) with length, velocity, 8 CC values, and Program Change on each MD sequencer step. Each MIDI machine has an LFO with control over speed, depth, and waveform. All values are p-lockable.

The AR’s sequencer has microtiming, a wider range of tempo multipliers, and each track in a pattern can have different length; the MD has none of these. The AR has much greater sample memory and, arguably, much better effects, but not the capability for live sampling.

Whether any of these factors is important is, of course, a matter of personal taste in what you’re trying to achieve with your music.

If the Mbase11 is anything like the Mbase01 you will find it will respond well to midi clock… When sending midi clock it causes all kinds of problems maybe this was addressed with the 11… For me I had to use the trig in and manually change programs… Now with my MB SEQV4 I have no issues as I can filter out midi clock…

MD + MBase11 here. Great combo :+1:

In my experience, the MBase’s response to CC from the MD has been a bit dicey. When an MD pattern (slaved to OT) changes to one with different p-locked CC settings, the MBase doesn’t always respond. I have to nudge the MD controller knob, then the MBase wakes up and responds. Hazy memory says that simple Pgm changes worked every time. But I gave up sequencing MBase parameters from the MD; it was too unreliable. In my experience.

Not a big deal; I don’t “need” to do that.

Another experiment: I routed MBase audio to an MD input, to affect the MBase with MD realtime parameter changes. Great concept, but noticeable delay on MBase sound. I did a track that way, a track that I’m pleased with, but the MBase’s very slight delay (well, I hear it) makes me wish I hadn’t.

So I stopped doing that.

But, all that was months ago. I’m over it.

The MD + MBase11 is a great combo, and I love it. Combining the two for 900-ft tall kick drums will test your room’s foundation.

I’m curious, so if you press FUNCTION and tweak (for example) the filter encoder to affect the filters of all 16 tracks, is there a way that the Mbase could be filtered as a part of this combo too seeign as it is not a native machine to the MD?

It would be kind of a pain to lose the greatness of the FUNCTION&Knob commands on the Mbase, when it works for the other 15 tracks for live use.

Yes - run it through the MD as an inp machine - this will work for your first example being the filter.

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Yes - run it through the MD as an inp machine - this will work for your first example being the filter.[/quote]
Ah yes, of course. Thanks for that, jeffe:)