MD UW+ to complete the trinity

Hello folks,

First post here in this forum, but i’m a long time lurker.
Just wanna spread some love on the MD.
After having Octatrack and monomachine, I have added this week the MD.
I need to thank few users from the science lab challenge which completely made my mind on this machine.

I must admit that I’m not blown away as I was with the MNM and OT, but after few hours I have made some instant techno patterns which blew my speakers. Although it’s digital, the kicks (don’t remember which synth) have a nice round sound.

Will post pics of the trinity later at “your setup” thread and probably will start to reply at live set up posts - still trying to understand how to midi my setup…

Great forum !!

Right on. It’s a deep machine, enjoy it! Looks like you might need to amend your user name :slight_smile:

You can have all kinds of setups… control pattern changes by midi-notes or program changes… great fun. but in real life situations I just do this and have the most fun without getting to technical and swamped in options:

octatrack midiout -> machinedrum midi in
machinedrum midi thru -> midi in.

(where it says I swap kaospad3 or the monomachine or some other toy I got hanging about)
and I make the octatrack send clock. but turn off all other things that might generate midi-signal on the octatrack (you can turn off the midi generated by the audiotracks … the manual calls its “audio cc” if I am not mistaken)

I did came up with some scheme, so my patterns are easily combined on all 3 machines… basicly pattern A01 on all machines belong to eachother… but if I choose B01 on my machinedrum, it kinda also works with C01 on the monomachine…)
machinedrum main audio out goes into octatrack input A+B … the other machine goes into input C+D …

I am not saying its THE method… but it works great for me. things like “sending midi-notes to change the pattern on the machinedrum” did work. and it has its fun-potential… but I got lost in to many technical things I had to setup… it just took the joy away for me…

The MD didn’t blow me away like the MNM did, either, but just wait! The MD is far deeper than I realized at first. It can do a few things the MNM can’t, sequencing MIDI chords (to external gear) using a single trig being one that really stands out in my mind.

The synth machines in the MD look really basic a first glance, but once you start tweaking them, you’ll realize that each machine has a huge range of sound sculpting possibilities.

Still an amazing machine, and it’s how many years old now - like ten?

More than that. It first came out in 2001. All this time, and it’s still a beast. I can’t think of any other gear that has been produced for as long that still feels “modern”.

welcome to the forum!

Thanks :+1:

Thanks :+1: [/quote]
i love my MD too, but the +drive limitiations and having to transfer samples via C6/midi is a real pain. and now we have the other boxes microtiming/different time scale options, i really notice that missing on the MD.
i’ve just bought a 2nd OT with the intention of sampling sounds that i’ve created on the OT, and being able to audition/use a much greater selection of samples from memory, and at 24 bit.
it will be interesting to see if it keeps the same feel. jamming on teh MD will always be instant gatifying fun, though :slight_smile:

Did you own OT before the MD ?
Because I must say that the sampling and synthesis capabilities seems weaker than MnM and OT (only 2 days impression !!) .But I don’t really care, I enjoy every second writing patterns and I manage to tweak rhythms that I wasn’t able to do with MnM and OT.
It’s like every machine is for different sub-genre of techno.
I’m getting rid of Virus snow to fund the MD and I’m 100% positive of this move.
Ok, I will stop now, before you’ll think that I"m part of Elektron sales :wink: