MD UW without +Drive worth it?


So I found a really good deal on a MDUW MKII without the +Drive ( 700 euros )
How important is the +Drive to the MDUW ? Is it worth it to pick it up without the drive ?

If you like spending time uploading samples via MIDI then get it… If you want to load a sh**load of samples and have the accessible quickly…then find anothe 175€ and buy mine… It is like new, with Thomann receit and still 17 months of Elektron warranty

Make a counteroffer for €500 and you’d have a great deal! :wink:

The +Drive is a nice feature to have just for the storage. I’m glad I have it, but could probably make due without it.

I’m glad I have the plus drive.
I often switch layout templates, routing, sample etc… depending on what gear I’m using. The machinedrum is the constant, everything else changes… so it’s nice to be able to go back to a different config if you feel inspired to finish off something. I recommend getting the plus drive for sure, especially if you’re planning on using a lot of samples:)

I have a MK1 UW with no + Drive. Things would be easier with one, but it’s really no big deal for me. However I only paid £500 for it.

I have a MD MKII no UW since 2009. Last year, i sold it and buy a MKII UW + and i find it important to have the +Drive.
I think it’s necessary if your MD is a tool you really use a lot and, more of all, if you like to create different sounds and things like sound design.
Because i don’t have DAW, the internal memory is fondamental. Before the +, i had to make chooses between the sounds i created, in view to create other ones, there was no place to store new sounds. This way i lost a lot of sounds i regret now.
You can arg that if i really now the MD i can recreate them…yes, indeed, but really, there is a difference now, it is more confortable.

+Drive is very nice. BUT Load sample can take time MIDIx10 is cool but it’s slow … I think if you have other drum machine +Drive is not essential, but if you have MachineDrum as the gotogo Box Don’t miss the +Drive, if you plan to make Live +Drive is essential…

For me… Also, as i could see and hear that’s a lot of people who design sounds and get very nice results with layering but one sounds take you 2 tracks so you will made 8 voices only… Maybe consider 2 MachineDrum at a moment.

I would knock off 200 and then send it off to add the + drive.

I would not enjoy it nearly as much without it.

bought a MD uw + drive 4 months ago … seems like i cant use the +drive actually, now i feel stuck and try to sell her with my MM

…pm me … berlin based… mint condition …also in sales section

I think the +Drive is geared mostly towards people that play live sets, and who need lots of songs and setup variations to carry them through a performance. The need for that type of capacity just isn’t as important if you work mostly in your home studio (like me). And if you’re the kind of person who likes to make a jam, record, move on and never look back, then you don’t need a +Drive (IMO). You can always make and record tunes as you go, creating more space if/when you need.

The MD still does amazing sounds design and sequencing without a +Drive. So maybe ask for a lower price. I think anyone trying to sell a MD without a +Drive these days is going to have to bargain a little.