MD vs OT samples

This is mainly an opinion question for those of you with an MD-UW and an OT (or really any comparable sampler).

I very well know the technical limitations of both. Given that, when I need to use any samples I basically default to my OT. What would possess you to specifically use samples on an MD when you freely have an OT or other sampler available right next to it?

I know “dirtying” up the samples by making them 12-bit is one, but can’t I just reduce the bit rate on the OT for the same effect?

One reason is to free up tracks on your OT, as the MD has 16 tracks. The MD also has more flexible routing options, 6 outs. Depending on how you’re using the OT, it might also make sense to have all your drums on the machine drum; for example if your sending the MD thru the OT and want to use a single track as master effects for all the drums.

The MD allows you to manipulate samples in different ways. For example you could use all 16 LFOs on a single sample, as apposed to the OTs 4.

Mainly they really do sound different. Using the bit reduction on the OT doesn’t sound like the MD at all, plus uses up a track effect. The effects and filters etc also sounds way different. The RAM machines resampling stuff ahas a very unique sound.

I rarely put samples on the MD just because it’s slow and a pain in the ass. Also I have no +drive so space is super limited. But if I had a +drive I would definitely load it up more because it does add a very nice old-school grain to the sound especially pads, drums and little vocals hits etc.

I don’t own an OT (yet), but I do sample into my MD quite a bit. I can’t comment on sound quality in comparison to the OT.

Sometimes the simplicity of not having to manage more machines is nice. I can take my MD to the couch and have plenty to play with (I have stabs, pads, blips, melodies, etc. loaded on the MD). I sampled a bunch of stuff from my JUNO-60 over a month ago, and I’m still playing with the kit I made from those sounds, in the MD! The immediacy is fukcing amazing.

I also think it’s cool that one machine can do so much, and like exploring how deep it can go (still exploring!). A machine like the MD would have been more than enough, back in the old days!

This is one of those areas where the Elektron boxes sort of cross over in features, but still aren’t the same. Each has it’s own unique advantages.

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Well this is more what I am looking for with this thread. It is such a pain to load samples on to the MD so I never do it but I now have a +Drive and feel it is a waste to not use the UW features.
I knew you could modulate other tracks with LFO’s on dedicated tracks but I never really thought about dedicating the whole MD to one giant 15 tracks of modulation to one sample. This makes me think of the feature on the Access Virus where you can use multi mode and have a patch use the virtual input from another playing patch as the input audio source which could then be used as the source for yet another patch thus filtering a massive chain of patches sort of like a modular.

^ this for sure.
I don’t have a permanent/dedicated studio space so although I have an MD, OT and MnM, I always make the basis for a track on a single machine on my lap, in the living room with headphones, whilst my wife does her work etc. I then add the additional machines and other gear as needed once I have a basic idea down. Of all the Elektrons I have, I find the MD my favourite for this type of working, as it is quickest for me.
Note: I have had the MD much longer than the others so that definitely biases my opinion, as I’m not as experienced with the others boxes.

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