Md will respond to just MIDI Start and Stop without MIDI CLOCK?

Hi all,

i really need to know does machinedrum will respond to just MIDI Start and Stop without MIDI CLOCK ?

i want to control it with a midi footswitch?
thanks in advance.


The MD responds to midi transport buttons from a novation 37sl if that is any help…

edit: also, there is a section in the Global parameters i had not explored fully before, and in there is section called Control, and in there, Map Editor.

the Map Editor deals with 3 sections, Track, Pattern, and Ctrl (Control).

In the Ctrl section, it is there where specific Midi note names may be used for two things: Start and Stop.

other options are available in the previous menu, to start new patterns by pressing a midi note, and whether or not to immediately start playing the new pattern, or Que the new pattern to begin when the current pattern completes.

Thank you all,

yes also my nord keyboard responds to transport buttons (start, que, stop).

The problem is the footswitch doesnt respond to “stop and play”,
although it responds to all changing patterns, and tweaking parameters…