MDRUM no P-locks any more!


Have you ever seen this strange behavior ?

The parameters locks does not work any more on my machinedrum !
IEven if I’m in extended mode.

A couple of days , i had a problem when saving a snapshot and the screen was going over and over on "saving snapshot " and I had to switch off the unit to fix it. Maybe there is a link to that …

What is the problem ?

I have noticed that the problem is fixed xhen I unplugg the MIDI OUT cable !!
what is that ??

do I need to make a reset ?

What is your midi signal pathway? Sounds to me like you might have some kind of midi loopback that is causing the machine to lock up.

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Sounds like you’ve accidentally hit the CLASSIC MODE button. You need to be in EXTENDED MODE for plocks to work.

Sounds like you’ve accidentally hit the REPLY button.

Just joking - that was too easy ;]

I think accent is on to something - do you have midi in connected too? Could be a midi loop. Could also be a short in the midi cable, I’ve had my MD behave weird when I connected it to a short circuit.

plock memory could be full too (far fetched idea) …

as most of the time .
I have solved my problem by myself , just thanks to writing on this forum !

Actually I had a midi loop in my big midi patch routing and that was responsible of “erasing” p locks on the machinedrum . I don’t don’t unsderstand the link between midi signal and p locks , but thi is it !

i answer to myself just in case people meet the same problem .

cheers !

as far as i know, there is no possibility to erase plocks through midi or sysex messages. Maybe your patch is sending some midi notes responsible for changing pattern, because that would reload your kit and erase unsaved plocks as well?

it was A midi loopback !!!

now i know how to say it in english :joy:
cool !

thank you to all guys

:joy: Glad you got it sorted out! I’ve had it happen a few times. Always a relief to realize it’s not some critical failure.