Meditational accompaniments

Made some tracks for meditating to.
I think they’re pretty effective.

I’m going to make more (better, longer, more complex).


Added to my wishlist for a bit of classroom ambience 2 weeks ahead of the kids arriving.

Looking forward to it!


Going to try these as “noise” for coding today (I often have to find something to play into my ears to drown out background noise, so that I can work, but it has to be non-disruptive of concentration, so that I can work.)

EDIT:…actually tried the 1.4 track here as I started the day’s work, and it is surprisingly useful. Purchased.


That’s kind of exactly what it’s for.

Maybe I should call it non-disruptive music.

Thanks for the support.


Well, now. Here I am, just finished with my daily meditation myself. I’ll give these a go for tomorrow’s practice.

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Hopefully this isn’t an intrusion here.

These aren’t “for meditating” but are themselves meditations, improvs on the sounds chosen. Not a zen practice or anything formal, but perhaps not totally different. It seems to have a similar effect on me though, stepping out of time a bit. Probably too busy to meditate to.


M.1.1 is lovely


M.1.2 is lovely


Thanks, I quite like them too.

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M.1.3 and M.1.4 was also great. A little intense for my current mood, but their time will come, I could feel that.

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Yeah, there’s definitely two halves to the record.

Really like the sounds Fin…

M1.2 in particular- to me they seemed a little too dark to meditate to but i really enjoyed the drones.

Given the rich harmonics i got more the-sound-of-space type of vibe… ethereal… closed my eyes and imagined hovering in close orbit around another world :joy: strangely peaceful but eerie AF :+1:t4:

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One of the biggest influences on this record is Phurpa, who do fully proper traditional Tibetan chanting and mantras. It’s eerie as fuck to our westernised ears, but once you get used to the tone, I find it puts you into a much more “empty” state of mind, as I’m less inclined to anticipate any sort of melodic resolution.

Also, I’m a dark motherfondler.

Also, thanks for listening.


It wasnt my cup of tea (meditation or otherwise) the high frequencies grated after a while. I listened while studying. But its probably just me, I tend not to like distorted highs.

I do like where you are going though. Always been a huge fan of droning electronic sounds. Why else did I buy a Lyra?

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are you pretending to be a human bean?

Where ‘s me gong?

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Now seriously: music with meditation doesn t work for me and so this didn’t either. But i really liked the dark drones! Deep listening, yes.

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Great drones as usual! Phurpa are great and tibetan bön music is some of the darkest stuff I’ve ever heard yet very meditative. I have serious gas for a thigh bone trumpet or damaru. I once made a drone record based on the tibetan book of the dead.

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Volume 2.


I listened to the first track and enjoyed it. What did you make it with?

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