MegaCommand // MCL 4.43 Check this one :slight_smile:

@tjech what’s your OS? On mac discord only works on 10.12 and above. Don’t know how it goes on Pc.

I’m in - doesn’t like Chrome :man_shrugging:

what do you suggest for encoder substitutions?

Does the MCL act as a replacement for the TM1, or do I need the TM1 > MCL > MD for things like FW update, etc?

you don’t need the TM1

straight MIDI cables werk

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Most of them I had to make was just shaft substitutions due to unavailability of the exact pec11’s in the BOM.
Look at the bourns datasheet, then look at part numbers and their availability. Some will have splines over d-shaft, or have detents, or panel mounted.

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Just so I’m clear - I’m looking to use the MCL to transmit turbo MIDI for the MD FW updates. Can I go USB host from my PC (C6 app) to the MCL and MIDI to the MD? Or do I have to go MIDI DIN from the PC to the MCL to the MD?

youre asking the wrong guy…I dont know much re: MCL except that its fucking sick!
I’m reading the manual…trying to get up to speed. I would like to get one…and dont want to be futzing around with one if I DO get my hands on one. check it out…what you seek may be within its pages.

but for firmware, SysEx…din werks just fine. I can’t be bothered to dig out my TM1 when I make changes or saves. and besides that…the din plugs drive me nuts. feels like its pull my midi cable apart.

You can update the MCL from it’s USB port, but I do not believe it will function as a USB MIDI interface. I’d use the TM1 directly to MD for firmware updating the MD. You can use the TM1 into port 2 of the MCL if you want a DAW to provide clock, but I’m not sure if it would pass the firmware through. I’d probably not add the extra step regardless.

edit: I also am new to MCL, so I may be totally off base here…

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I second this, whereas MC is capable of Turbo Midi, I havent heard that it can be used for FW updates. For that you’ll need a usb-midi interface, any will get the job done, but with the TM probably being the fastest due to the turbo protocol

Ok thanks. I was under the wrong impression that it doubled as a MIDI interface given its USB port, etc. Sounds like it is just a bolt-on to the MD, so for clock I’ll run DIN from my existing MIDI interface and keep the TM1 separate in case of FW updates. The manual doesn’t have any info on any of this, so the omission of it should have been the key for me to understand its capabilities or lack thereof.

I see what you’re saying now. I had to go look at the datasheet for the pots. I think as long as the terminal configuration and the resolution is the same i should be good. Every where is out of the 15mm shafts but the 20mm shafts are readily available. thanks for the pro tips.

as long as you stay in that pec11 data sheet, the pin configurations will be the same
if you go with the knurled shaft, you’ll just need to buy knobs instead of 3d printing them
its best to only change the shaft length, shaft style, and detent numbers. If you go with detents, you’ll want 24, so it would be 1 “click” per 1 value (but this is personal preference)

i generally prefer without detents, more mechanical wear on the pots worries me lol. thanks for the assist. now all im missing are the 6n137 octocouplers and ill have a full build woohoo!

MCL 4.04: :rocket:



 - Improve sequencer synchronization to external MIDI clock.


Hi everyone, I hope this is the correct thread to post this question in:

I’m thinking about getting a Megacommand but can’t really figure out how it actually works and how tightly it’s integrated. I would mainly use it for conditional trigs as that’s the main thing the MD is missing in my opinion.

Now how would this work? I would prefer to keep the actual sequencing and p-locking on the Machinedrum - does the megacommand recognize which trig(s) im pressing on the MD and it’s just a matter of turning a knob on the megacommand or is there a lot of menu diving involved?

If someone could even recommend me a short video on the subject, that would of course be even better.

Same thing about individual track lengths - how complicated is it to set this up?

in short, as easy as on the newer devices. x.05 offers proper integration of these features, thus these they are controlled by the MD UI

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There is no video yet I think, you should read the MCL manual to get a good idea of what it can do.

The sequencing and p-locking on the last version is pretty much super integrated, there is no real difference beetween programming on the MD sequencer itself or programming the MCL via the MD ( in enhanced mode ). Pressing the rec button gets you into step edit mode, pressing a trig + turning a knob creates a P-locked trig, entering scale mode ( fn + scale ) while you are in step edit mode gets you into track lenght etc … It basicaly just works exactly like another elektron boxe.

But you get all the new stuff and shortucuts:
trig + arrows = utiming
trig + arrow up = trig condition
fn + bank buttons = mutes, p-lock edit, trig mutes, slides
fn + yes or no to use the new slot system
arrows to navigate in the slot system
etc etc etc etc

See the page 12 of the manual, it’s a summury of all the shortcuts one the MD UI. You will have a good idea of the level of interaction beetween the two machines. You practicaly never touches the MCL when you are programming it, it’s the beauty of this machine…


Wow, seriously? :exploding_head:

So i can control everything from the MD itself? That’s al lot better than i even hoped for! Just amazing, i need to get me a Megacommand as soon as possible now…

Thanks for the helpful and fast replies, both of you. :smiley: