MegaCommand // MCL 4.43

Great work Justin! I Will install all My builds that i work on to this. :slight_smile:

Hey all,

a bit of a conundrum here; the SD reader is out - i forgot to order the ones i needed and now thonk is out of stock, mouser and futureelectronics does not sell it to my region - does anyone know of another pkace that sells it? Or, if you are in a region that they sell to, i will gladly pay you for your help to buy them for me and ship them express.

@JustinValer is there an option possibly, i need to find something to replace the unit with?

For the record, updating MCL worked flawlessly for me. It’s just a bit surprising that it does it in the background, with no visible feedback from the unit (or I missed it).
But I can see the 4.03 when rebooting the MCL.

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Digikey has them, or I’ve found them on eBay (for rediculous prices)
How many do you need? I might have a few laying around, but not sure. Can’t check until tomorrow.

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Anyone in the US can get Them from mouser; digikey refused me… i need minimum 11-12 but would order 20 IF i could. :slight_smile:

I’m in the US

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I can help, too. I sent you an email.

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Thank you guys, Love the way ppl help out here! :heart:
I’ll chat with you west, we have had business before. Thanks. Micabeza, also Huge thanks to you for you offer to help. Thanks and respect!
Also, i have stopped taking new orders but i an working with backorders so i need components for that. I dont wanna send double messages… :wink:


There isn’t much info in the mcl 4.0 user documentation about connecting the MnM with it, or then I’ve somehow repeatedly missed it when reading it.

I have the MnM midi channel set to base channel 02 (global slot 1) and control in settings are: tempo sync: internal, transport: accept and prog change: chan 02. Unlike in the diagram in the manual, I don’t have a midi kb in the loop, just the MD in loop 1 and MnM in loop 2.

Any advice what I might be missing or where could I find the information?

What is it exactly that you need to know and the documentation doesn’t give enough details about?

More like what I’m probably missing.

I can’t seem to get the MnM connencted to the MCL. I mean some tips on what to check out in this case. I’ve asked 2 friends that have got the MCL and MnM and they don’t know either how to set things up.

There is a variety of ways which one could connect the MD/MNM/MC combo. In regard to hardware connection the manual is precise, so I suppose you are reffering to settings upon the MC?
In regard to this I’d also highly recommend to use the discord, to keep this thread free for general announcements, Bug reports, FW updates and alike.
The discord has multiple sub-categories in which one can discuss more specfic user cases :slight_smile:


if you’re triggering clock from the MD/MCL as master set the MnM to receive external clock. then send MIDI clock out from MCL to port 2. (midi settings in MCL config)


Thank you! I will check those out. I just installed the Discord and will ask further questions there if needed. :slight_smile:

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Can anyone confirm for sure of a MiniCommand can be “upgraded” or patched to MegaCommand? Is that possible, or is the hardware too different? If it is, are there any noticeable differences?

it cannot and theres a world of diffferences.


Just finished building my MCL, and reading all the doco I have been able to source. I am trying to use it with my UW MKII, MNM MKII+ and Octatrack MKII (just slaving the midi clock on the MNM midi thru).

I feel like I’m missing some of the key usage concepts, are there any tutorials to get a new user going? I’m
a bit lost on where track editing should happen for the MNM, how sounds are stored and recalled - mainly what happens on the Elektron boxes vs the MCL. Also a bit lost on the grid itself.

If I could see it all in use I’d be able to pick it up

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Nice work.

Track editing for MNM occurs in the Piano Roll. Those tracks (external MIDI) are stored in /loaded from Grid Y.

I would take things slow and get familiar with loading/saving to and from the Grid using the MD first.

You can jump on Discord for help getting started.


Check the very first post of this thread.
I believe the link is still valid :slight_smile:


Got everything updated this morning.
Thanks to @nicoj for the pointer on “arduino type choose Atmega 2560.”

We’re rocking and the new FX are great! Lots to learn.

Does anyone have a more recent Discord link? The one above doesn’t work now…