MegaCommand // MCL 4.43

I’m trying to find time to build mine. Let’s keep in touch.

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Hello Justin. The squashed text entry window appeared in project naming (right after restarting with 4.02, when a new project was initialized).

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Hi All.

It seems the MegaCL is a different animal to the R&W MiniCommand. Apologies in advance if this has been asked previously (please point to the thread if so) but can the R&W MC be used with any of the newer software or has been made redundant by tech advance?

Sure! :slight_smile:
Have you managed to find the PCB and a case?
By the way, @mbang, do you happen to have remaining cases?

It’s unfortunately not possible. The main limitations being the lack of program memory on the Minicommand, and different display types.

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I just picked up my mcl from the post office and cant find any info about the power consumption. What kind of adapter should I get for it?

you can def. use a usb type-b or a 9v Dc if I remember correctly

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How about the polarity and amperes?

9V DC centre positive. 250mA or greater.


Hi all! Just received my MCL also. It’s pretty damn awesome what you can do with this, but I have a question about latency. I’m clocking from a Cirklon going into port 2. Out of port 2 goes into MnM. Port 1 I/O is MD. If I put quarter notes on the MnM’s internal sequencer and do the same for the MD using the MCL and then record into my DAW, the MD is about 30ms late on every quarter note but the MnM is dead on. Is there anyway to get the clock sync tighter?

I tried adjusting all the MIDI settings… Lowering the Turbo settings from 8 seemed to make it worse. I can add a -30ms delay on the MD track in Ableton, but that’s pretty huge.

edit: well, it’s more like -40ms to get it on the grid, but then that makes the MnM print early because they’re on the same midi clock, so that doesn’t really work.

Sounds like config error, MCL is zero latency sync.

What are your MCL clock settings in Config->MIDI ?

Turbo1: 8x
Turbo2: 1x (also tried 8x, same issue.)
Device 2: General (Elektron same issue)
Clk Rec: midi 2
Clk Send: midi 2 (tried off but then MnM doesn’t start, same delay from MD).

Trigs on 1, 5, 9, 13

MD clock latency about 30ms:

MnM clock latency about 1ms:

If I take the midi cable from MCL Port2 In and plug directly into MD In and put Trigs on 1, 5, 9, 13 it’s back where it needs to be:

Was on X.05B, updated to C, same issue. MCL is on 4.02

More testing…

So if I sequence the MnM with the MCL piano roll I have the same 30ms-ish delay. If I sequence the MnM with itself it’s right on time. So it sorta seems like there is a 30ms delay from the midi clock to the MCL sequencer output on both channels, but if just clock is passing through channel 2 it is on time. Hope this makes sense?

MCL 4.03: :hot_pepper:



- Tracks could drift out of sync when loaded.
- Fix track model changing on stop.
- Parameter changes in the MD's LFO and FX menus are now detected by MCL.
- Update LFO offsets when restoring kit parameters.
- Fix WavDesigner crash.
- Align mod wheel and pitch bend behaviour across MIDI settings.

Please try 4.03. We fixed a timing regression in the sequencer code when tracks are loaded from the grid.

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Still there after 4.03. Bummer.

I have MD slaved via MIDI port 2, with either another MD or Analog4 providing the clock. Both devices are in sync.

You can jump on our discord if you would like to troubleshoot further.


I’m only beginning to learn how to use the MCL but instantly its so much fun to get different track lengths and trig conditions to my favourite machines. Super excited to dive deep into this with the MnM and MD. :slight_smile: Big thanks to mbang for building this unit for me!