MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

New firmware to be released soon.

Triplets will now be available. :rocket:

Added support for various track speeds:
1x, 2x, 2/3x, 4/3x, 1/2x, 1/4x, 1/8x


Hey, is there any info on the easiest ways to get pcbs in the US? Anyone doing or done a US group buy?

Hmm, i guess shipping with DHL or something like that is the only safe way to get them in time without having to wait 2-3 months. I´ve been waiting for a shipment from US myself för 6-7 weeks now…
But DHL is expensive, maybe 20-30 USD (just guessing of course)…

I’m located in the US and have a few pcbs left. PM me if interested.

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Hey guys, i´m thinking about the arduino part of the megacommand build.

I don´t have any programmers or anything else for arduino so far, but i plan to build more than one unit. I do have a couple of programmers though, like the st-link v2 and a few more from my eurorack days.

I myself am buying about 10 PCB´s and pan to build on demand.

What do i need only one item of to build/program multiple megacommand units, and what arduino components (besides headers and such) will i need for every unit?

For example, in the BOM i have 485-254 which is “Memory IC Development Tools MicroSD Card Breakout Board”. Is this needed for each unit or is it used for programming and can be used on multiple ones?

Sorry about the perhaps stupid questions but i´d like to get my mouser order right from the beginning and i don´t want to buy 10+ of something i only need one of.

I don’t know what BOM you are looking at.

The official parts list for the 1.0.2a11 board revision is here, it is not the same as the 1.0.1a parts list. The 1.0.1a BOM can however be used as reference, when searching for manufacturer components numbers in the 1.02.a11 BOM

BOM 1_0_2_a11

For example, in the BOM i have 485-254 which is “Memory IC Development Tools MicroSD Card Breakout Board”. Is this needed for each unit or is it used for programming and can be used on multiple ones?

The first board revision did not support the Yamaichi SD card slot, and you needed to buy an additional MicroSD card breakout board, which connected to a header. The breakout board is not needed for the latest 1.0.2a11 board.

I don´t have any programmers or anything else for arduino so far, but i plan to build more than one unit. I do have a couple of programmers though, like the st-link v2 and a few more from my eurorack days.

If you buy an official ArduinoMega 2560, or a reputable clone you don’t need any fancy programmers. The arduino will already have the bootloader installed to flash firmwares via USB.

I appreciate your enthusiasm. I recommend you build one board successfully, and get a good understanding of the components and assembly before committing to bulk purchasing parts and/or building additional units.


Thanks Justin, much needed data and just what i hoped for. I realize it sounded a bit ambitious but i will only build 1-2 to start with and as i will have about 8 boards left, IF the builds are okay i will either offer finished builds, build on demand or offer up the rest of the boards for sale.
Thanks again for everything you guys do for us machinedrum fanatics! :slight_smile:

Edit: our order list is now filled with 50 pcb´s, better luck next time ppl! There will be a bunch of extras floating around i´m sure since a bunch of us has bought mutiple copies.

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Do the latest BOM version also contain a trim resistor, like the 652-3362P-1-103LF? When i check images from the older design i see one, but cant find it in the new.
The BOM is a bit sketchy, that´s why i´m asking.
Still wonder if anyone has a 100% working cart or BOM, or if someone is willing to check mine for errors? I´ve been comparing it to the latest BOM and it looks more or less OK but i don´t want to recommend it to the group i´ve been organizing a PCB buy to, if it´s not “the bee´s knee´s” if you know what i mean… :wink:

No, the trim resistor was required for the old 16x2 HD44780 display.


Hi Justin
Is it possible to use the Megacommand and the Minicommand piggybacked at the same time?
There are somethings like the Euclidian and sound randomiser that I use from Minicommand that I would like to use in conjunction with the Megacommand.
Would it be possible to port them to the Megacommand?

Ok cool, getting BOMs from users can be confusing. I think i got it under control now… Thanks!

Yes, MCL has the euclidian algo at one point.
It’s on the list to put back in.


Decided to push the sequencer code a bit further.

I’ve now got parameter slides working. To my ears, they sound identical to the slides of the MD sequencer. You even have the option of trigless slides.


MegaCommand Live 2.70 released!! :rocket:

MCL version 2.70 requires that you upgrade your Machinedrum OS to version 1.71.

Changes / Bug Fixes:

A number of improvements have been included in this release. Everyone should upgrade.

Please read the Changelog


Oooooh, it’s from the future!

MCL 2.70 21/07/2020


I’ve completely lost track of time and space.


I have almost finish the soldering of my megacommand PCB, got one question :
C7 10uF (ref. ECE-A1CKA100I) is polarized, there is no indication of polarity on the PCB is it working whatever the polarity ?

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The present sucks anyway, you’re not missing much.

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:slight_smile: thank you! :slight_smile: