MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

NOW i can tell i belong to the clan!
Merci :slight_smile:


Welcome aboard. Looking sharp!

My eyes are watching through the horizon captain.

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I just have a plain old ceramic cap in that spot…
I haven’t experienced any issues with my device.
Should I replace it?

On another note, question about power. Any issues applying 12v to the power barrel? I know the mega can handle it, just wanna make sure the rest of the shield can as I’m about to modify the .brd file…

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Non-polarized is fine, just make sure the value of the capacitance is as specified.

All the megacommand shield circuits are powered off the arduino regulators. So 12V will be okay.

There are extra large traces for VIN + GND to the expansion ports to facilitate powering auxiliary circuits from the barrel connector.

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Is it normal my right sided led panel never blinks on my MC when in use?

yes. it’s not used much. you can run the led test firmware to check if it’s okay

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Hey y’all,

For those of you who ordered and was good enough to pay the small advance payment, i ordered the PCB’s a few days ago. It was in production yesterday when i checked, so i guess finished after the weekend and then 8-10 days for delivery to me.

Meanwhile we are looking into ordering components, and taking orders to build for others in some cases.
Contact me for more information about that.



Well done nicoj!
Who built your case? I will most likely have a lot of orders for anyone that can handle it, maybe 20-30 cases. Must be able to prove seriousness and send all over Europe.

A friend of mine got a 3D printer, but he has a lot to do and i don’t think he will be ok to make some other (shipping cares etc…). I had to wait 3 weeks before he sends me one! But i can ask if you want :slight_smile:

Ah… No, thanks anyway, maybe i’ll buy a printer myself instead… :slight_smile:

Hey, this shopping cart is SUPER helpful. I’ve also had trouble matching the BOM to Mousers inventory. Just to be clear, this is for the latest 1.0.2a11 BOM, right?

yep :slight_smile:

Where is this mouser cart you mention? Searched through the thread and checked the github but must have missed it… ? ?
I´m preparing one of my own but it would be fantastic to have one to compare with so i don´t miss anything.

Hey Justin - i have someone helping out with 3d-printing cases for the group buy i´m organizing - at least for a few of them. Which is the latest design file he should use, that corresponds to the latest official BOM and board design?
Thanks in advance!


Self tap M3 Screws:

M3, 10mm, Self Tap


Thanks a lot!

And for you guys that have ordered PCB´s together with my group - they are done and soon leaving China! It will take some time since they travel a convoluted path due to customs and stuff, but still - finished and on the road. :slight_smile:

Here the spreadsheet I did for myself for the V1.0.2 PCB (Please always double check for yourself):

I still need to clean a bit, but the infos should be quite complete.

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And here a Mouser cart.

(change mouser to your country if prompted, keep in mind that some components are out of stock but expected to be back in stock by mid july, more or less)

For the other missing components, check the spreadsheet above.
It do not include the Arduino 2560 (but you can add to the cart as it is available at Mouser), Midi socket, SD card socket (seems Mouser will not sell anymore, check Thonk) male and female headers (I usually buy them from my local electronics shop and in Mouser is a jungle to find the correct parts, if someone would like to help, I’ll update spreadsheet and Mouser cart).
The oled display is not included too, it could be bought from Mouser, but it will be on stock by the end of august and a double check to see if it is 100% ok for the Megacommand is recommended (otherwise check the spreadsheet for more alternatives, remember SPI mode!).

About the case I don’t know yet sources or someone that’s making it.


Awesome Rics, thank you. As i said, i need it to compare just to make sure i don´t order lots of stuff i don´t need and the opposite. Since i will order maybe 20-30 or more sets of components it´s good to get it right the first time. :slight_smile: