MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

Anyone here that can check if the endless encoders knobs on the current product line by Elektron (rytm 2 and so on) fits the encoders and case on the latest MCL version? Encoders with just the nuts against the case and no more.
Trying to find good ones but original Md is not available, maybe later lines fits?

Can someone try? :grin:


trying to learn more about MCL, but am having trouble reading the documentation on GitHub. I’ve downloaded TexWorks, but can’t seem to work out how to compile properly.

Why the need for such a cryptic way to open the documentation? I might be missing something, but why not just upload the documentation in .pdf format or similar?


MCL_Documentation.pdf (743.8 KB)

Thats the PDF of the Manual, I think you are referring to that one?

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Thanks! Studytime…

Hi guys!

Is the polyphony integration / chromatic mode because of the Firmware Update or because of the MegaCommand? Because of MegaCommand, isn’t it? What does the 1.71 Firmware offer to someone who doesn’t have MegaCommand? Sorry, i just can’ get my head around it.
Does anyone have a pre-built MegaCommand for sale? And if so, whats the price? :slight_smile:


MegaCommand does the Note -> PTC mapping for each machine type in Chromatic Mode.


Thank you! :slight_smile:

The microtiming brought the md back to the center.



Did you manage to make it work with a polarized cap in C7 ?

polarized cap II

yes it does

Oh great ! Thank you !

Anyone inside EU with two screens for mcl to spare? Gimme a shout. I just need two, but can take more off your hands of needed. Counted wrong at some point and now i have to order more, just two feels silly but my last order got stuck over a month in customs so want to avoid that.

New here. Justin and team thanks for the big effort! I am no coder but that does not mean that i don’t understand the enormous effort put in this firmware/hardware.
Just a silly question:
I am planning on using a machinedrum/megacommand combo with a digitakt and have a couple of questions:
What is the best way to connect those midi-wise, which one should be the master clock, and is it possible to switch patterns on one machine, say the digitakt and have megacommand ‘respond’ by switching to a specific row? Do you have plans to implement such functionality?
greetings from Athens

Master can be either the MD, or the device on port2.

Not yet. This is planned for a future release.


I just got my MCL from Marcus and I’m pretty stoked :slight_smile:

One question: how can I shift a track left/right? (move steps)
Pressing Function + Left/Right on the MD doesn’t move the steps in the MCL sequencer track.

Thank you Justin et al. for making the MCL! It brings MD sequencing up to par with newer Elektrons.

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From StepEdit page, Track Menu can be accessed by holding MC button [ Shift 2 ].

Scroll down to find shift / reverse options.


Thank you Justin!

As a noob, I have some more questions :slight_smile:

What is the practical use of the “Toggle Ext/MD” option on the MD Step Edit Page? I notice the step grid display on the MCL changes to a running step indicator, “MI” lights up instead of “MD” in the left corner, and trigger indicators for 8 MD channels appear, but what can I do in that mode? :slight_smile:

A suggestion for improving the manual - the “Save Page”: can you add details about how the sequence memory and saving works, especially regarding the transfer of MD sequencer data? I found out through a combination of reading the manual + trial and error :slight_smile: I used search on the forum but didn’t find an explanation.

Please correct me if this is wrong:

  1. Sequencer uses the Grid to store the sequence data within a project.
  2. The sequence that is currently playing/being edited exists in the sequence buffer.
  3. To play and edit the sequence stored in a pattern/row or a single slot (instrument), you first need to load it into the sequence buffer. Use the “Write” button (a bit misleading name) to open the “Chain from Grid” menu (again a bit misleading name, as you’re loading sequence data here - please correct me if I got it wrong) and use the MD trigger buttons or the MCL S2 button to load Grid slots.
  4. You CANNOT transfer the MD sequencer data into the sequence buffer, you can only save it directly into the Grid. That is, after using the “Save to Grid” menu in MERGE or MD mode, you need to load the slots/row from the Grid (push “Write”, use “Chain from Grid”) in order to see (and hear) the steps from the MD sequencer in the “STEP EDIT” mode on the MCL. (!) Turn off the MD sequencer steps (or clear track/pattern on the MD) after loading the sequence transferred from the MD, or steps will be triggered by the MD and MCL.

Thank you!


Yes, great work, your explanations are correct.

Regarding misleading names. The WRITE/CHAIN labels made sense in earlier versions when we had distinct chain and write pages with unique functionality. Now this behaviour is unified and could be more sensibly be re-labeled to LOAD. I will flag this for the next release, V3.0

"Toggle Ext/MD”: This opens up the External Step Edit Page. Which is a step sequencer for MIDI tracks on port 2. In our upcoming release this has been removed, and we now have a Piano Roll editor page for external MIDI tracks accessible from PageSelect.

If you or anyone else would like to contribute to improving the manual I can provide you with editor access to the overleaf project. We are also going to need some help updating the manual for version 3.0.


Thank you Justin! Looking forward to the 3.0!

Will retrig be by chance a part of the 3.0 update? :wink: It would be great to have a retrigger (number of retrigs, time between retrigs) option for all of the MD machines, not just sample based ones.

Manual: yes, I can help to edit it the best I can - please send me the link.

Unrelated: for those seeking nice knobs for their MCL, you can get metallic (silver, gold, black) knobs cheap from eBay. Not as good as original Elektron or maybe Waldorf knobs, but only ~20€ per 40 pieces…