MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

Check the orientation and soldering on the two 74LS165N shift register ICs . The switching signals from the buttons + encoders flow through these chips to the CPU.

Also check the supply voltage and GND on the two ICs are okay. Supply voltage to each chip should be +5V.

You can open up an issue here

if you need more assistance.

Just finished reading the whole thread, what a marathon.

Got my pcb, cases and parts on the way. But was just curious about the SD card.
Sounds like 8GB would be a good size, but does the class matter? faster the better? or doesn’t it really matter?

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The SD class shouldn’t really matter as the Arduino won’t be pushing more than a couple 100KB/s in either direction.


Thinking about replacing the LEDs, the 3mm seems so tiny in the holes, whats the bigger size that works? Do 5mm work? I dont have a box or any details nearby. Also, original led is 1.9v i think, which resistors will i have to replace if i get leds with other voltages?
Ok i can check eagle but wanted to ask the crowd a bit…

Also, the group buy i organized is kind of finished. A few hiccups but most seem to be pleased and i have tried to help everyone as much as possible. About 60 PCB’s delivered in either kit or fully built form. It’s been fun and i have learned a lot meanwhile. Toughest nut to crack has been issues with the cases, but i have a very cool partner there that helped me.

I will keep building on demand, but no big projects like this one. I have 25 PCB’s incoming but they will be portioned out as fully built units when i have time. Family and work gotta go first.

Big thanks to the devs and all helpful ppl out there!

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again, wondering about the LED´s and the voltages and stuff.

Checking eagle it says that the leds should be 5mm; checking the BOm it also says 5mm. HLMP-1301 from the bom only gets red diodes with 3mm size. Ok, no problem.

Now, in know i think which resistors handle the LED´s, it´s the two 220 ohms above the three caps between the pots on the pot side.

The LED´s i ordered is these, 630-HLMP-1301-E0002 which are 10mA and 1.9V. I wonder Now i´d like to have to possibility to change LED colour, but it´s hard to find 10mA 19V in other colours, so i need to change the resistor.

I´m not sure exactly what current if coing into the 220 ohm resistor but i´m guessing 5V?

Then the resistor should have 310 ohm following the ohms law, i might be wrong though. But i wonder how it´s ok with only 220 ohm?

My goal is to give buyers an opportunity to select between red, blue or perhaps green LED´s instead, and i need to have a correct resistor for each since they all seem to accept different value… 2.2v, 20mA, 30mA and so on…

Any ideas?

I´m following this


and this


for evaluating if it´s right/wrong… What do you think?

Since the LED´s i have work, no problem. But if i would like to change, what should i use?

I just checked the eagle schematic.

There is an error, the orientation of the LED is incorrect, the cathode should be pulled to ground (not +5v)

This doesn’t really matter in practice because the LED orientation is reversed on the board. The Anode get’s 5V supply and the resistor is pulled to GND via the pin on the Arduino.

(VCC) +5v ----|>---- [ R1 ]------ GND (Arduino PIN)

Actual circuit looks like above.

Voltages should be the same

Ur = 5 - 2 = 3V

Your calculation for R1 looks okay.

You should buy a breadboard and arduino jumper wires and make a little circuit using the arduino mega 2560 to test the LEDs. Very simple to write a sketch to turn an LED on/off


Thanks for responding so fast! So it dont matter how i orient the led, good to know!

Yes, i will probably make a test board of some kind, Good idea. But can you tell me the secret, why 220 ohm works when 310 should be there? Magic? Coz i usually blow leds when i feed them too much. :wink:

It does matter. Follow the board orientation. The circuit schematic in eagle is incorrect.

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Design tolerance :grin: + good luck.

Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA = 25°C, 25ma


Haha, ok, i get it. :laughing: Thx!

Those are cool but the only this that bothers me is that they are not endless, with the line. But it doesnt show much so not a bad idea. Thx for the tip!
I´m looking for something similar, this one:


Hey y´all,

i´ve got a kit to spare - without box and d-shaft knobs - but otherwise complete. They guy who i got it for backed out, so it´s available for anyone. Since it´s without case it will probably not be so expensive to ship either.
Without case, €140 plus shipping, via paypal.
PM me!

So i’ve just finished building one, compilation and uploading is done but the display is dead, nothing is happening. Any idea what it could be?

Did you check that the display is configured for SPI before installing ?

OLED 128x32 display is a new display of similar size but with the ability to display 4 lines of text and custom graphics, it uses the SPI bus. (OLED display requires resistor position changes to enable SPI mode as per adafruit documentation

13. Oled display requires correct resistor poisiton in order to be configured for SPI mode. (See documentation above to confirm the resistor placement)

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Pretty sure it’s related to an issue with the firmware install as i wrote to you y-day. Without FW, the screen is black.

About MCL and monomachine; fantastic idea, but @JustinValer, what will you be able to do with them together? I want to know both for myself, and to tell the ppl that gets my built units. Same as analog Four?

Would be great with a short summary, or link to the info! :slight_smile: I ordered 25 more PCB after learning this! :smiley:

Im just gonna throw his out there. Been using lately for my boards and projects. Quality has been exactly the same as pcbway, but 1/3rd the cost and have been in my hands in less than a week. Last run of 25 boards was a little over 15$US.


Just an FYI:

After you’ve assembled and tested the MegaCommand.

You should upload the latest pre-compiled binary release for the MCL firmware


Ok, so i do not need to compile it, just upload the 2.70 hex file or is there any other binary releases i should be aware of?
It´s worked fine so far, following the github instructions and using the arduino tool selecting the 2560 via port, and then “upload”. But then, i have always used the 2.70 release and since i started no more have been released.

just upload the 2.70 hex file

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