MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

Ok, that´s what i´ve done. And will keep doing until something else comes along. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Is there anyone with a spare case to sell ?


Got my MC made by Marcus Bang here a week ago ( working like a charm, thanks man ! ).
I’m realy impressed by the level of integration with the MD and I’d like to congratulate the two developpers for the great amount of work and talent they’ve put in this. It’s quite an impressive device and it extends the features of the MD dramaticaly. Polymeter, chromatic mode, trig condition, routing page ( ! ! ! ), the new sequencer etc. I’m restructuring my workflow around all this and it’s quite exciting !

Thanks and bravo !


Wonderfull work indeed!
The V3.0 update firmware coming soon (@justin : end of the year? ) will be even much much more impressive : piano roll, full sd sample integration, complete wav designer, midi machine, etc…
Can’t wait!
It’s a long job coding :keyboard:
Big up to the developpers ! :loudspeaker:


Hopefully before the holiday break. I’ve just finished the biggest obstacle, which was project conversion from 2.70 -> 3.0 format. Now that’s done I can focus on getting ready for release.


Thanks Kinan for your support. :slight_smile:

And YES a huge kudos to Justin and Yatao for giving this gift to us; it´s an amazing machine and it will just get better.

I´m building a new small batch of just 8 units but trying to customize them a bit - while i wait for my silver-gray boxes i´m building the boards as good as i can and also trying out new stuff. Using 5mm green LED´s for the activity lights look really nice; i´m thinking i´ll try out blue LED´s also, just gotta find diffused ones that fit and use a high enough resistor instead of the 220.

Just in a testing phase. Finding 10mA blue has been almost impossible but maybe 20mA will work too?

Anyone tried using other LED colours with good result? Blue especially. I would never use it for a constant light, but a dimmed one just for activity might be ok. If it works i will give the option to the ppl that are interested in these new builds, together with a few options on knobs and perhaps rubber feet aswell.

Also, i´ve gone over to using 16GB micro-SDHC cards now since i had one of the X brand from the bom die on me and i could get the larger ones for the same price or cheaper locally, so recommend that for everyone!

I´m really looking forward to 3.0! THANK YOU in advance! :slight_smile:

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Got a problem; Encoder #2 (from the left) don´t speed up counting up /down values when i push it. This is the first time of about 20 builds i have this problem.
I´ve had very few problems in general with MCL so it was to expect sooner or later but… any idea what it can be? I am going through checking soldering joints right now and so far they all look good.

Any ideas? How do the increased incremental speed work? I think i know it´s related to two of the capacitors on the right side of the encoder but not certain. If one of those capacitors were bad, would it create this problem?

If i can´t find anything i will replace the encoder but it´s Bourns so they usually are quite good; any ideas? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Edit - problem solved! Every single solder joint looked good even under very high magnification but i reflowed anyway and voila! Problem gone. The only thing i did was to solder the led´s in place but it worked before without them on other ones; i also replaced the SD card and redid the firmware installation on top of it, and swapped to another arduino board. But nothing of that could have been the issue since now i have changed back everything excetot the LEDs.

Phew, anyway.

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@JustinValer @v-yadli may I have the 3.0 version in black???

Before Ill burn my weekend trying virtual midi merger to send the Md the MC midi and cc from bitwig, do you think it can work?

Yes, 16 poly md with endless mod and env :slight_smile:

I think I know he answer to this already, but figured I’d ask for clarification.

No hardware modification for v3, is there?
Are will we be lucky enough to get usb midi?
(I know it’s a pain in the butt on arduino compared to teensy)

3.0 is a software update. There are no plans for changes to the underlying hardware.

We’ve discussed native usb MIDI. it’s possible. requires that the user replace the firmware on the Arduino Mega’s ATmega16u2 chip via USB and some changes to the MCL firmware. Have not had time to play with this yet.


Justin, got a msg from a friend and he said the .FCStd-files are corrupt? For the last design… Care to check?

The freecad files for the enclosure are fine for me.

Freecad version 0.17 Mac OS.


Regarding the leds, @JustinValer you mentioned they were wrong oriented in eagle. Does that included both?
I usually mount both with - in the midi port direction.

Now i wonder if i have a bug somewhere, should not both blink when initializing? My left one don’t.
Is there a way to check when it’s running? Some action that makes left or right blink, or both?

Is there anything i can do to check?

Edit: great, forgot about the test stuff, thanks!

//Description: Firmware to test the 2 LEDs on the MegaCommand Hardware
// Run this firmware by uploading to the MegaCommand. You should see LED1 flash, then LED2 flash repeatedly. If not, check the LED orientation


Trying to upload the ino file first but it reads like a webpage and i get a lot of errors - it´s complaining about characters, Common web characters… what´s the right way of using it? I’m using the normal Arduino fw loader/installer.

Having no problems with installing firmwares otherwise, i wonder what the right procedure is?

I think the leds work properly, at least from using it with my MD it look like that.

Raise an issue

You probably didn’t follow the compile instructions.

//Notes: This firmware uses the Arduino Core.


Most likely, but i didn’t find any instructions. Not because i didn’t look though; Id be glad to be told where they are. Not in the folder of the ino, but maybe in the File itself since it spit out HTML in Arduino Windows.

Ok have to look at using the core. And raise an issue.

Thanks again! Working to spread info about MCL itself and to the builders i supplies with PCB’s and also built units, i feel i need to give them at least the bare bones of the right info… :slight_smile:

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Ok i got it now, the leds work properly, Thanks. :slight_smile:
Also found a few guys that can help out with cases if it´s a lockdown or something.

So i have time on my hands to build on demand, if anyone wants a MCL - as long as i have PCB´s left. Can build them with an assortment of options to wishes, just PM me.

Actually got some pats on the back by a contact on Elektron and that goes out to you Justin and Yatao - they dig what you do and that you bring new life to the silver machines. and so do we all!

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Just wanted to inspire a little; check out my latest build, i found some knobs made for electric guitars… a little big perhaps if you have pork fingers, but i like them a lot. A bit expensive though, but a nice experiment that panned out. Had to get knurled pots though.
I got a similar quad group of chrome knobs but witha flat top instead, they look kind of cool too but the rounded top ones were easier to twiddle.

What do you think - chrome or black? Or none, or original Elektron only (which i have, too). :slight_smile:

Also, what´s done - swapped LED´s for diffused blue instead, but they were darn bright so don´t forget to replace the 220 ohm resistors. i used 10000 ohm ones and it´s still bright! But not annoyingly so, as it were even at 1k. I reckon maybe 15k or even 20k could be needed if you are sensitive.

As for myself, i really like this iteration. Finally have time to learn the device too! Really looking forward to it, thanks Justin and Yateo for all your hard work. :star_struck:


Looking good!

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