MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

We haven’t implemented program change IN (yet). But you can send program change OUT in 3.01

The port speeds are configurable. So you can run port 1 at TURBO speeds, and port 2 at standard MIDI 1x


I was about to sell it because it wasn’t able to integrate in the Elektron pattern synchronization system
Can’t wait to see that feature :slight_smile:

Thanks for answering so quickly I’ll try to use the available features with the setting you indicated

Just a quick post to let folks know, I just received a MegaCommand made by fellow elektronaut “mbang” and it’s very nicely made - if anyone’s looking for a pre-built unit, I highly recommend him

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@here Anyone who is interested in helping improve the documentation / user manual please send me a message.

I will provide you with access to the Overleaf project.


Hey Guys, anyone the same problem like me.
Newest OS on both systems installed.
The link is for my cloud, no virus or something :wink:

PS: Video shows the problem.

The piano roll editor automatically changes the vertical cursor position (note selection) when it receives MIDI note input on the channel assigned to the visible track.

So you must be sending a bunch of note data to the MegaCommand whilst you’re in the pianoroll editor.

What’s your MIDI setup ?

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Hey Justin,

I am using a Motu Midi Express as Midi Signal Splitter.

MD goes to MegCom Midi In/Midi Out 1.
Motu out to MegCom In 2.
Motu in to MegCom Out 2.

If I am pulling out the cable from MegCom In 2, problem is gone.

I think, this is some kind of feedback loop coming from the motu.

I am using the MegCom In 2 for an external clock.

Thx so far.

Sorry for honking my own horn; if anyone is looking for a builder i might be able to help out. At the moment i have a couple of units that i´m only waiting for screens to finsh up but after that i have a few cases and PCB´s plus components and screens that are looking for new owners. :slight_smile:
Only completed build sold at this time, sorry. But i will let the group know if i get surplus cases or PCB´s!

Also, NOT competing with Justin or Yarteo or anything - i´ve started a group on facebook that is dedicated to MegaCommandLive, and it´s a private group for owners and builders where we can discuss build, our units, the cool things we do with them, maybe showcase tracks, pictures, shows and whatever you fancy that´s related.
I just wait for Justin; sent him a message asking if it´s OK with him if i do this. There´s quite a few people now owning MCL and using facebook so if felt right to have some place to gather info.
If it´s alright i will let the thread know!
Hopefully it might be an easier place to discuss things and get responses than a huge thread?
Not a big FB fan myself but this felt right to do.

Edit: sorry about the typo. Of course i am not competing with Justin or Yateo in any way, or this thread. I Will only refer to the official pages/sites. The FB group is a fan group, that’s all. :slight_smile:


@v-yadli and myself generally won’t participate in social media communications outside of the Elektron forums and GitHub repos. Feel free to use other platforms to discuss the project. Just bare in mind that official communications will come through this forum and the GitHub repositories.


Before I buy or build a megacommand, can someone confirm that the chromatic modes let me play the BD2, SIN machine or others in tune??

Cuz I just spent the afternoon mapping pitch knob values to pitches and would love to move on here. Would also love an explanation on how they managed to do that!

Yes. There’s are PTC -> Note lookup tables for the various machines allowing you to play them chromatically from a MIDI keyboard or the MD’s trigger buttons.


Thanks for the response! How do you deal with many of the machines not tuning to exact note frequencies?

It’s an approximation.


hi, Is there a way to play latch midi notes in the piano roll?
I mean a continuous note(s), as keeping one or several fingers on a keyboard, usefull way to play drone notes/chords without retrig on start loop.

The piano roll sequencer requires both a note-on and note-off event of the same pitch before a note can be entered or recorded in to the sequencer. So no, it’s not possible with this design.

We could look at adding a “Latch” trig condition in a later release.


Yo guys ´n gals… just curious. Do any of you have any cool videos or sound demos that you can share with the world where the MCL is used?
I´m looking but i find it severely lacking, and i don´t know mine well enough yet to be able to make one.
Cheers. :slight_smile:

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I’m trying to get a MCL to do videos with. Pretty hard to find one & expensive to get one built.

PM me, i build units for a reasonable price, and if you are low on funds we might work out a deal where you pay half now, rest before delivery. But this is a one time offer.


i´m building a unit for a friend and it is built just like i usually doo, i have built 30+ units now so i´m no beginner, and mostly they have all worked flawlessly.

However, now i have a unit that appears to work. I´m running the latest firmware of course and on the other units running the same, no problem. But i wonder if someone recognise this bug:

I´m stuck in “peering” I start it and can do a few manoouvres but then (if i´m connected to the MD) Peering shows up and it don´t end. It sometimes blink, sometimes give me a few seconds so i can move out to another menu option, and then… again “Peering”.

Any ideas? I´ll see if i can document it on video…

Testing now i get peering a LOT intially, much more than on any other build. When in settings whenever i step into an option and out again i get it. But aftera while it sort of normalized. No w it get it more seldom. I have been working unhindered mostly with the step sequencer and the grid for a while now.

TO THE DEVS: how often should “peering” appear? How often is acceptable behaviour? Besides that it works great, i mean, I have re-soldered all i can and don´t find anything else i can do, all the other functions works fine afai can tell.