MegaCommand // MiniCommand Resurrection // MCLive

For this test i only use a BD on Slot 1 and ext Midi Ch.1 on piano Roll. No more.

Just trying to follow along is making my head hurt. :stuck_out_tongue:


Another hotfix, thanks to nicoj.

MCL would crash when chaining generic EXT Tracks.


Just upgraded to 3.0 and x.03 on my machines; fantastic work justin and v-yadli! Thank you!

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Another hotfix:

  • Project Rename was broken in 3.0
  • Polypage incorrect LED mode.
  • Illuminate LED2 when REC mode is activated.

Massive thanks for the work on this. I’ve only recently built my MCL and just started playing with the previous version of the OS. Really happy to see the piano roll editor and also the LED sync for the MD trigger interface. I think I’ll be spending much more time with it now!

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Lovely Xmas gift! :smiley: Thank you!

Any .5 cents about when Monomachine support will be available? :slight_smile: Hopeful, i tried to connect my mk2 but i never get past “peering”. I s´pose i need a new FW for the MnM aswell?

Need to check with @v-yadli

There may be some MIDI configuration required on the MNM side.

I dont have one to test .

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That would be great, i am sure more than me wanna know. :slight_smile:

Current assortment of cases; they are all really sturdy and with almost zero “defects” or marks and such. The silver gray one is my favourite so far… :slight_smile:


Did you guys modify the ports on the case design?

If it’s an improvement you should submit it up for review on

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Yeah, printing the case straight down and Up and the middle walls between ports had a tendency to break. We redesigned it with a slit in the main case and a fitting panel is printed separately lying down which makes it very tough to break. Then it can be pushed into the slit and either glued to stick, or just leave it and let the bottom plate lock it in place.

Good idea, i’ll ask the guy who designed it if he can do it!

@JustinValer he didnt get github and i don´t either so i send the files to you instead if it´s alright?

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And another one see the light of day!
Thanks @JustinValer for such a great project and all the effort you’ve put into it :slight_smile:
and @pseen for the pcb and case!


Looks great! And you beat me to it, even though your kit had to travel to the other side of the planet. :earth_asia:

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Hmm, just for the funk of it… Anyone know if there are encoders with switch function like the ones we use but with LED possibility? So you can use a knob with transparent top? Might be bit christmas-y but i noticed that the sifam knobs i have got for a few builds have a version with transparent top so it might be fun to build a prototype with pots that light up a little when pushed. Not much just a touch of a suitable color…

MCL 3.01 released: :rocket:

As always, follow the link below to read the Changelog.


MCL 3.01a released: :rocket:


  • PianoRoll automation record was broken.

  • PianoRoll length parameter was limited to 127, should have been 128 steps.

  • When loading empty Ext MIDI tracks, preserve MIDI channel setting.


I’m using other Elektron gear with my MD: My main machine is the OT that sends program changes to the MD, the Digitone, and sequence the Minilogue.

Everything is sync with the OT.

My question is : Is the Megacommand able to receive program changes

Program change is a key element to make Elektron machines work together

My second question is : Is it possible to connect it to a Midihub which doesn’t have midi turbo ?

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