Melody: Grid or Live?

Which is better suited for melody? Do you put down a sequence, save it, then copy it and tweak the parameters? Do you put down trigs and then adjust the pitch of each one? Or do you live record it?
I find myself a little stuck expanding a 16 step sequence into 32-64. I feel like when I make changes to the 16-32 and/or the 48-64, they get applied to the entire sequence. Hard to keep track of where im at. Might be something simple as track mode vs. Pattern mode.

Hi! Usually I will play notes live and then tweak trig parameters.
As of expanding steps in a sequence, I don’t usually do live tweaking of the melody. It’s either editing in grid mode or re-writing live the whole thing.

I always start patterns at 64 steps. I’ve never been able to resolve a melody in 16. I just lay out a temporary beat, play a 4 bar melody, then go back an rework the beat.
I’ll often go into grid mode to make adjustments or corrections in the melody though.


My start point is usually a beat at 16 steps (can always expand to 32/64 later for more variations). I’ll then jam out a melody and figure out if its 4 bar or 8 bar, then set pattern length (for that track only) and live-record. I’ll go back into grid recording typically only for fixing fluffs (timing or note). For me, doing a melody from scratch in grid mode is a non-starter.