Merge or overdub on current track?

Is it possible to have note input in Live record mode added on top of the note trigs that are already there? Over dubbing essentially?

At the moment if I record something over top of a trig it will replace that trig with the new input instead of adding the input to trig. Is this possible? I feel like I’m overlooking some painfully simple.

This is all using the trig keys on the DN. No external keyboard.

Yo, did you find a solution ?
I’m stuck on the same problem.

Negative. Maybe it’s a future added feature.

Any solution yet?

Still nothing … zzz.

I would also be interested in a solution / workaround to this. The only thing I could think of is to receive midi into the digitone by inputting it via an external midi source, after you’ve already recorded notes into digitones sequencer. This way you could have two levels of melodies on the same track that don’t mess up eachother’s step, so would come close to overdubbing.

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It would be great to get a fix for this. The DN sequencer is great and would fit well in my compact setup to sequence my Miniglogue and TR8. However, the lack of overdubbing capabilities make sequencing the TR8 in any intuitive manner nearly impossible

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One more vote for this functionality- that would be great. I get the logic of replacement but it should not be that difficult to have real overdub especially since DN/DK is able to record chords per step and it would make this so much more useful!

Just chiming in here to say this would indeed be very useful, especially for those of us who are not natural keyboard players with the DN keys. merging two separate tracks would also work for this purpose.


It took me a bit to realize that the sequencer overwrites and doesn’t overdub. Really surprising. Why? Seems every other step sequencer in history allows overdubbing and most give the option to overwrite. Weird!

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After playing with live record mode with a midi controller for a bit, the way the sequencer works is pretty cool after all :stuck_out_tongue:

Been having fun trying to replace little parts of a loop with new notes. In fact, it’s a little like playing with a looper on fade mode - you can keep evolving the loop by replacing bits forever

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This would be indeed useful but I doubt it will ever be implemented.

There are some limitations of the current grid system that would make this feature impractical.

Consider the following:

You live-record a sequence. You are not hitting the notes right at the beat, so all of the recorded notes play with a slight offset from the beat.

Regardless, each recorded note is assigned to a step in the grid.

To account for the mismatched timing (compared to the beat), a micro-timing offset is added to each step.

A micro-timing offset is essentially sets how much earlier or later a note should play compared to the beat.

A negative offset means the note plays sometime before the beat, a positive offset means the note plays sometime later than the beat.

An offset of 0 means the note plays right at the beat.

You reach the end of your sequence and loop over.

You keep playing notes. The recorded notes are again assigned to a step with a micro-timing offset.

But there is a problem, the step where your corrent note would fall has already a note recorded with it’s own micro-timing offset.

While the steps can hold many notes, they all have to be played at the same time, because they all share the same micro-timing offset.

There is a conflict between the notes now, because there are two of them with a different micro-timing offset.

With the current implementation, the last note wins the conflict and the old one is removed.

Unless Electron implements a way to have different micro-timing offsets for the individual notes on a step, there is no way to resolve the conflict with both the old and the new note being recorded and played at their original timing.

There are a few ways it could have been worked around all of them have issues and I can see why Elektron went the way they did.

  1. The timing of the new note could have been ignored and added to the step with the already existing note’s timing
  2. The timing of the old note could have been adjusted to the timing of the new note
  3. The new note could have been recorded onto the next step with an extreme micro timing offset (but what if there is already a note on the next step)

All of these solutions would have side effects and would only work well if the recorded notes are perfectly quantized to the grid. With the assumption that most humans would not be able to play with such accurate timing, I can see any of the three workarounds causing more issues and confusion than good.

Of course, in grid recording mode you can add/remove notes by holding the trigger button and pressing the “Add note” button (the one with the musical note on the left).

I was about to write to Elektron regarding this issue and as I started writing down the behavior I was expecting I realized that it wouldn’t work with the current grid system.

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nah man … it may be a problem … but imho the huge problem is a wrong implementation. Nothing to do with microtiming if a note on step 8 is deleting a note on step 1 only because step 8 is still being played.

It this was fixed … DN would be perfect in my eyes.

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This feature would be appreciated so much. Overdub or collapsing two tracks into one. For the time being I could use Koala for some SP404 workflow…

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Yeah - overdub would be handy

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