Merging Tracks on DN?

want more track space to add instruments in my pattern, is it possible merge my drum sounds on different tracks as opposed to filling in steps from the pool?

Copy paste the steps into the track from a different track.

That’s about it. Sorry.

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but if i C/P to a step that already has a sound on it it won’t overdub right? :confused:

Here is a tutorial on making drums on a track for the DN

You can use sound pools!

I am sure there are many more tutorials out there but this is pretty straight forward.

If you want to “stack” sounds you will need to utilize microtimings… (two trigs merging into one) Typically as long as the pitch is different and you don’t run out of voices you can stack sounds.

The tutorial explains the pitch/microtiming scenario as well.

The video is linked at a good timestamp. Hope this helps:


Sick, and this is possible on digitone as well?


Sorry I misspelled DT. I meant DN haha oops. Yea the tutorial is for the Digitone

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