Meris LVX

So the robot/doll dreamt? Sentience? Highly modulatable - to the point of its own mind - looper? Seems like Chase owns that plot of land…

With enough grains, granular can get into reverb territory. Silo does that reportedly beautifully…

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Wouldn’t mind a new form factor…maybe? This size is nice but the shift-layer of functions isn’t fantastic. Sort of acknowledged by their recent development of overlays for current range…but maybe that represents a decision to stick with it. Just thinking while typing!

So much of their designs are inspired by the past, so my micro looper theory may not hold up. It seems they like to take these things that were once hard to acquire and make them accessible and maybe with a new twist. The Polymoon was inspired by cascading multiple rack delays, the Mercury 7 was Bladerunner Reverb, the Hydra was “90s guitar giants used their unobtainable big box pitch shifters.”

The Ottobit was “Arcade Dreams Reborn” So I think looking retro might be the place to look.


Almost everything. Their line-up is like five products or something.

I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that, whatever it is, it will sell for US$299.


That’d be interesting.

Bro chill this thread has gone off the rails a couple of times already.


I’m not diminishing anything here but in French, every noun has a gender.


Can’t wait, I love my Mercury 7! Wouldn’t be upset with a sort of micro looper.

As for the teaser, It’s art and marketing. Better than colon talk.

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Which is why I think people here blow things out of proportion.

I have a Polymoon which I’m excited to try with a Digitone when I buy one soon. It didn’t really work for my guitar rig but I don’t have the heart to sell it until I test it with a proper synth. The Keeley Eccos ended up being a much better pairing with guitar.

Care to share something about the device/your expectations/Meris/a Meris’ pedal you already own? You’re one of the few who haven’t, I believe.
It’s a real invitation to not blow things out.

I am waiting to see what it is to form an opinion.


Is there any time line for the release?

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On Instagram it said #soon, so really any day/week/month now.

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Wondered what they had been up to.

Love the Ottobit and Mercury7 - didnt enjoy the Polymoon too much. Think the secondary controls hindered my exploration of that pedal.

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This was an, um, interesting sequence of posts.



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Same lol

I’ve had it listed for sale on my local marketplace for months now. Don’t really want to lose a lot of money for it…