Meris LVX

It’s only a strategy to boost first day sells, and build a wave of referencing on the internet. Nothing more than nowadays ad/marketing plan built as a pretty nothing to get people talk and want.
But however they do it, I guess it’s needed nowadays, or gear sellers wouldn’t do it, would they?

I don’t think it’s really needed per se, but I think companies have seen the hype others have built with their campaigns (for better or worse) and just want a piece of that. It’s akin to the early 2000s, where every corporate presentation / release tried to emulate an Apple-esque keynote with the CEO wearing something “smart casual” and talking about how “amazing” and “revolutionary” their work and product are.

I see more and more consumer segments where people are getting fed up of social media marketing tactics that are focussed on triggering a dopamine response in their audience. It’s all too human, times and context change our response to things.

I love Meris and their products, I honestly don’t think they are in need of such tactics to generate sales (or hype) at all.


The work of a genius :facepunch:t3:

The looper idea seems plausible. (Many foot switches)
The pictures depict some sort of mystery?! Some reverb with a. Twist? I don’t have the time to get on these teasing trains anymore but i am curious what it will be

Is there a final unveil date yet?

„Next week“ is all we know

How dare you

omg :smiley:

So by tuesday we should know…

New post on Meris IG today. Caption says “TOMORROW”.

I’m curious about the lines, I think they were in the first photo as well. Maybe it is some sort of looper, and those are the sections of a loop.

The second caption says “Tomorrow will mark a new phase for Meris. Are u with us?” So maybe. a phaser, or would that be too on the nose? I love phasers, but seeing that pic of the pedal with four switches, I’m just don’t think it would be a super phaser.

Of course phase could also refer to tape phasing, so maybe their take on a tape style looper? And the lines in the pics could be the various heads of a tape delay/looper. I think the space echo had four different heads, one for record, and three for playback.


I‘m also really curious! Just ordered a Loupe tho :wink:.

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Those lines do remind me of a reel-to-reel tape splicing block


I’m really exited if it is a looper. But a delay reverb combo would be wonderful too. Either way I’m glad that they learned from the UX-mistakes of the older pedals and came up with a new format

I think it will be LVX. The line from first teaser is paraphrase of first sentence from Asimov’s short story “Robot Dreams”.

“Last night I dreamed,” said LVX-1 calmly.


Yeah, nice one!
I appreciate an Asimov’s reference :wink:


They seem differently arranged than on the first teaser picture :thinking:

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Yep, because of the perspective. They’re “printed” on the floor. Otherwise they seem to be the same.

The middle line in the new picture is straight though, in the first image it is skewed :thinking::thinking:
But yeah, could be the perspective too I guess.



It should be black.

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