Meris LVX


Here is the manual:


Oh boy I want

It’s… a lot going on. If I didn’t have a Polymoon and Hedra, I might go for this. Could always sell the Polymoon, and justify some of the Otobit algos going into my rig… decisions

Edit… yeah. It’s a lot of “extra.” I realize I like more focused functionality in pedals.

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Nice engineering capable to generate some ugly sounds. Therefore a good combi together with the Strymon NightSky for even more ugly sounds. :wink:

And round about double the price of Source Audio Nemesis Delay / Neuro App.
OK the LVX is top notch but not for me. I simply don’t need it albeit I like it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
For shure something for delay deep divers.

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Looks interesting, and I am sure people will do some cool things with it. Sometimes these open-ended FX systems just don’t appeal to me. I can see myself getting lost in the tweaking, which could be a good thing or a bad thing, but is kind of a turn-off for me. Still, it’s cool that they broke out of their old pedal design and really went for it. I bet they will sell a lot of them.


I dig it. This and a Mercury 7 would replace a LOT of pedals…

This is a better demo that gets into more interesting sounds.


I feel a little disappointed.

Sound wise its okay.
The UI is pretty ugly and uninspired, kind of kills the vibe of all their “sci-fi/Villeneuve PR”.

Feels like a slight miss, really expected something really special after all their social media posts.

Might just be me though, thoughts?


This! Especially when we consider that in many cases you have a chorus, a reverb and a delay pedal where you can customize several LFOs, envelopes etc. If it takes 30 min per pedal I can easily spend 1,5 hours with pedal tweaking. Synth and drum machine tweaking not included. So sometimes I only want to choose some presets without touching the knobs too much.

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It kind of reminds me of the modularity of the axe fx but foregoing the amp/modeler side of things. After looking at the manual this looks like you could make pretty much any effect using the various routing possibilities. Can’t wait to hear how the scrubbing is on the looper and if it can be MIDI synced.

“el vee ex”… :thinking:
I would have preferred “looks”, as Romans would have said.

It’s perfectly ugly and expensive, that will help my #NYNG22.

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I’m not sure about the Bubbles but they included the text only option.

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Yes, I saw it as “looks” as well…
I didn’t sign in for NYNG22, but most likely it will end up that way for me anyway. Though I feel a bit of temptation for some changes on my bass pedal board, but those would be within the modulation section…

Adding my vote on the ugly UI. It’s trying too hard to be weird and sci-fi and failing. Bubbles? What? The stuttery framerate also bugs me, but doesn’t actually affect use of the box. Though it could be argued the slow animation speed makes it slower to interact with the settings on the screen.


Reads like a combo of their Polymoon and Hedra, OK maybe I am interested. Will have to listen to some demos

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Yeah I think I would be using text interface if I ever got one

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Really like this one. Seems like a flexible unit. It looses some of the charm of a pedal with dedicated knobs for all functions. But i think with the display it will be better than all those unmarked dual function knobs on pedals anyway. And even if it will need more programming its still easier to program than old rack effects.

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Likewise, I’m actually interested in this one. It seems like an immensely powerful delay with extras + looper. Unfortunately, like the Timeline, Volante, etc. The looper doesn’t appear to be midi syncable. That may still be fine for me. The sound is very lush and pristine. I’d like to run acoustic instruments and voice through it.

This was posted on a different forum. The poster noted:

“This isn’t guitar focussed, but it definitely shows a taste of how much sound manipulation can be done with the LVX. Plugged the modular in last night and messed around for a bit. Shared System is 100% dry. All effects (delay, filtering, distortion, modulation, etc) are coming from LVX.”