Meris LVX

The Good
LVX arrived a couple days ago and I had a chance to really dig into it today. I’ve never seen anything quite like it–it’s more of a signal chain processing workstation and sound design playground than a delay. The options are a little overwhelming at first, but the interface is reasonably good. The form factor and build quality are great. The LVX is almost ideal size for a “pedal”–decent-sized controls and display, and small enough to easily take to shows or fit on a studio desk.

The sound quality is absolutely top rate and the range of sounds is impressive. The integrated looper is super useful, but the controls could be improved. Buttons 3 and 4 are dedicated to looper fx, but if I want reverse and half-speed–they both have to go on button 4–why can’t I assign one to 3 and the other to 4?

The Bad
There’s 99 preset slots and the LVX comes with 80 factory presets–many of them are…not good. Guessing that Meris added a a lot of these from beta testers, but it’s off-putting having so many mediocre presets. I’ll end up deleting most if not all, but it would have been nicer to get the LVX with 20 well-curated presets and the rest open slots.

The dedicated MOD knob seems have little to no effect on most presets or delays I’ve built. The manual doesn’t give any details on exactly what MOD is doing. Maybe some minor modulation of delay times, but if I have to strain to hear if there’s an effect–somethings not right. I’d like to be able to assign this to a parameter of my choice. Wondering of this is an issue with my unit?

The Ugly
The LVX locks up and crashes every 40 minutes or so. It freezes on the current delay, and then the sound drops out and the controls are all frozen. I purchased directly from Meris because they included a (presumably qualified) power supply. I have a feeling there’s still bad software bugs, but who knows? With the pedal this unstable I wouldn’t chance using it for a performance and that makes it nearly useless for me. I’ll contact Meris, but unless it gets resolved quickly, it’ll be returned.

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That definitely sounds like something wrong with your unit because I’ve had mine on for few hrs here and there past few days with no issues.

I would try some trouble shooting just in case like factory resetting it or uploading current firmware again.

Also this considering your “MOD” knob question. Manual says “Modulation Category is separate from the front panel Mod knob which directly controls the modulations built into
the delays”

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Any thoughts on comparisons or which one you prefer over the other?

I’m getting a bit irritated by the continuing lack of decent H90 demos.


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I have them both as well, I don’t have a preference, they’re both fantastic if you can get them both!


Are you using your H90 on synths, drum machines?

I’d happily get both but from the current demos I simply wouldn’t buy the H90 from what I’ve heard. Got an LVX coming for Christmas.

Edit: Yes I see that you do.

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Did some further testing on my LVX and it has a major grounding issue. Hooking it up to anything and touching the case can often lock up the LVX and occasionally give a small shock.

Yes, the presets don’t do justice at all, especially because the LVX has the ( i think quite rare ) quality, to gel at certain settings with certain sound sources in very good way that something “new” evolves out of source and fx, like new frequencies are created. And on top, it can make really weird fx but not chaotic or unctrollable or unusable, but the exact opposite. Mine crashed once under extreme settings and lots of live dialing, but rebooted without problems.

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It’s a pedal that takes days if not weeks of exploring it with the rest of your equipment to judge.
Half of the time it’s like another instrument to be fit in (in a good way).
imo :wink:

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This is my Kiesel Zeus guitar and 100% all Meris LVX. I altered the “CINEMA” preset by turning up the time, feedback and mix knob all the way up and suddenly I’m in a Robert Fripp frippertronics landscape! or LINE 6 HELIX + MERIS LVX [read description] - YouTube


Nice–I’m bummed my (shocking) LVX is going back to Meris, but I’m getting a replacement. I did manage to record some tracks with the LVX using a custom delay and was super happy with the quality.


Well that is good that it’s getting taken care of! Meris is good people! Now you can sit back and get excited for it to come again! :smiley: lol, hopefully this time with nothing wrong!


Anyone else listen to the makeup and vanity set demos on the meris site on repeat ?! :mage:‍♂🫠

has anyone tried the effects with no delay? and mix fully wet?


Ooh i love their music… i need to take a listen

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I’m curious how people are finding the compressor, the limiter and the various preamp models? Would love to see those demo’ed outside of the delay.

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First off, I have to praise Meris for the fantastic service replacing my faulty LVX–they were super responsive and easy to work with. Just a great customer experience. The LVX is quickly becoming a favorite piece of studio equipment. I’m finding the interface easy to use and it’s super quick building and saving custom delays and processing chains. Once you build a preset, you essentially have one knob control over 6 parameters–so it’s not like you have to go into the menus constantly, except when you’re designing fx chains.

@El_OhSo and @Tanburi - the non-delay fx, filters and pre’s are really good and useful. I’ve been testing them without any delay and it’s making me appreciate the power of the LVX. You can put the fx on the pre and use the mix knob for parallel fx processing. I just built a preset with a tube pre, ladder filter and cassette fx–it sounds great. There’s a ton of control over gain staging–which really helps dial in the fx chains.



here are two demos of the Meris LVX which for me is, the best delay pedal in 2022 and one of the best of the last decade. What a sound. Maybe you find these useful.