Meris LVX

I don’t think Empress wants to make a more focused version of Zoia, since the whole deal with Zoia is the vast amount of things you can do with it.

The only thing that would make the zoia perfect for me would be more knobs. Yes, you can map a midi controller with X amount of knobs but doing it for every patch is horrible. Having 3 or 4 knobs freely assignable in the same unit would be far better.

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I recently received an email/short survey from Empress specifically asking why I didn’t have/buy a Zoia.

With an unclear delivery time and a current pricing in the stores of some well known big dealers of about 800,- they won’t eat up their old line up. :wink:

I guess it is ok then to buy am Ottobit Jr to Pair with the Enzo hahaha :smiling_imp:

Thanks for that. I’ve only watched half the video, and I’m stoked all over again for this pedal. I can (and have to) wait of course. But I see this pedal as a major sound design tool. It would be great and makes sense for Meris to release a large format reverb version. But also I wouldn’t be surprised if they do similar to Elektron and work towards a certain uniqueness with each new machine. Not necessarily just a big box version of smaller pedals but something more.

me too, definitely gonna buy the LVX, and eagerly waiting for a new-format reverb from them
(so far, apart from the NightSky there’s nothing really playable and fresh in terms of reverbs it seems)

meanwhile, I’ve also stumbled another albeit quite different, delay with deep structural controls. it sort of goes completely opposite direction, and definitely has its flaws, but it’s a real instrument rather than an FX box, very hands on UI, very well thought-out and features some unique concepts. a piano of delays so to say)
there is a thread on the forum, and it’s so painfully short that most wouldv’e missed it. deserves more attention, esp. from the electro-acoustic composers


Love the reminder. That and the zen delay, doctor A and neon egg are my favs.


Cool, good reminder of the Reminder. I remember seeing it here awhile ago. Was out of my price range, but if I’m considering the LVX… This one is a little more price wise and doesn’t include a looper, but it’s potentially quadraphonic, so that’s really cool. Cool tactile style UI too. I’m thinking of playing live again (it’s been about three years), and this is right up there with playable delays (plus reverb) I’m thinking of. Their Godfather unit looks amazing, and does have looper(s)/other fx/filter and reverb. Almost too much for me. Reverb is less important as an effect for me than it used to be. But delay is a different story.

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Regardless of his presentation style, he gets some great sounds from it.

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A local store has these in stock and I may pick one up tomorrow out of morbid curiousity. Not exactly 100% convinced, but have heard some great demos/sounds and the modularity of it is calling to me. There are a number of lingering questions I have about the LVX, but haven’t really seen covered in the demos so far.

Does anyone here happen to have one yet?

I was curious about how the loop scrubbing works. Is it more like a varispeed control where speed and pitch are tied together or does it work in tandem with the retrigger mode so you can do things like granular/time-stretch. I assume it is likely the former, especially since I don’t see a MIDI cc control for loop “position” or “start”.

Was also curious about the amount of delay Elements can be used. A lot of the demos seem to focus on just showing one at a time, but is it possible to use multiple Elements in a single patch? I thought I read that one of each type of Element could be used (and only one Element per signal path spot), but I can’t find any exact confirmation in the manual.

Lastly, I was curious if one can change the delay patch without affecting the looper, especially with the looper at the end of the chain. That is one of my favorite things to do with Microcosm, since it allows you to kind of use more than one algo in a patch.

Picked up the LVX. And now returned the LVX. I likely would have kept it and put more time into it if I already didn’t have a bunch of delays. Pros/cons below.

It does indeed appear you can use one of each delay ‘Element’ (Preamp, Pitch, Filter etc.) in a patch. And you can place multiple Elements in a signal path spot, say if you wanted a pitch shifter and a filter both in the feedback loop. It’s unclear what the signal path within the Elements is when you have multiple Elements in the same spot.

You can also change the delay patch without affecting the looper (depending on where the looper is in the patch it seems). You can also change presets and the delay tails from the previous preset will continue playing (at least for a bit, didn’t experiment with this enough).

Never figured out loop scrubbing. I don’t have an expression pedal and admittedly didn’t put in the time to figure out how to convert CV from the modular to the pedal.


  • Delay lines sound really good, extremely clean even with line level instruments. The basic delay elements themselves sound outstanding (delay types and structures)
  • Modular signal path is really fun to play with
  • The Delay Elements range from very good to okay (nothing I’d call bad). Favorites include the pitch shifters (think this ultimately convinced me I just want a Hedra), filters, preamps, and bit crusher. I do wish some of the Elements had more controls
  • Really like the inclusion of soft buttons above the stomp buttons. Makes it easier for desktop use


  • The UI is…not great. In the main “bubble” mode, it can be difficult to navigate, especially if a page has a lot of options. You can’t see how many options a page has (such as the multitap delay or the sequencer), so you just have to keep scrolling and scrolling. The “text” mode is better, but can still be overwhelming.
  • The knobs for changing parameters are click-wheel style, which I’m not a huge fan of. This can make changing parameters seem fairly slow, though perhaps useful for dialing in finer amounts. You can press down the knobs and turn (ala Elektron) for quicker/larger amounts
  • The looper is perfectly capable at first, but I could not find a way to delete loops (besides power booting the pedal). It’s not mentioned in the manual either (at least as far as I could tell)
  • The modifiers are fantastic, but I wish they could go to more extreme settings (like audio rate)

All in all, I think it’s fantastic sounding pedal, but it may not be your jam if you prefer a quicker/easier UI or are used to an even more open signal path in modular.


I appreciate the breakdown of your experience and thoughts. I’m still interested in this pedal, but the lack of a clear loop function is strange. I might email Meris to see if an update (firmware and manual) could address the issues you mentioned.


Manual specifies 1.0.2 a update, and I noticed they say to clear a loop from the looper, you just record a new loop. I’m curious if there is feedback control on the loop to fade out old loops while bringing new ones in. Perhaps @acairns99 could comment on this, as I didn’t see anything in the updated manual.

Mine hasn’t arrived yet, but it looks like they have a set overdub algorithm–I don’t see any control of overdub level. I’d guess that overdubbing fades out earlier recordings at some rate, but I’ll experiment to see how how it works. There’s got to be some level of feedback for overdubbing, right? Maybe they can add a user control for feedback level?

Good catch. I don’t believe that verbiage was previously in the manual. Recording a new loop to erase the previous makes sense in hindsight. Definitely a little confusing if you are used to needing to clear a loop in other ways…not sure which method I prefer, but considering you can’t really save loops, this method seems fine.

cc: @resonant_space - I haven’t had the LVX for a few weeks now, but there is a Looper Feedback parameter listed in the MIDI CC manual (CC# 96).


Thanks, I missed that! It would still be nice to have that setting available in a menu too. Looking at that midi list is confusing—it lists CC values for delay parameters 1-40, but what are those parameters? I’m not much of a midi user, so I may be missing something obvious.

Great, I saw that. Would be even better if controllable on the pedal itself. Should be pretty standard functionality
on a looper. @resonant_space, I’d love to hear if this is the case once you have the LVX.
I’d lost interest in this pedal for a bit, but the broad scope and depth of this pedal are worth another look.

Got an email back from Meris:

“Yes, you do have control of the Looper Feedback on the pedal itself. Everything you see on the MIDI table can be controlled on the pedal without the need of MIDI.”

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Love the LVX!