Metallic DnB bass on the DN

Hello! Im struggeling getting metallic bass sounds on the DN. Normally i try to make ratios that are not even between the operators but still not getting a nice sound.
Im searching for something similar to this:

Starting in 1:30.
I guess it will come eventually with practice but do you have any typ? Very apreciated as always.

I don’t have a Digitone so can’t help but I just wanted to compliment you on this quality jam! Nice :grinning:

@ Kernelchagi
I’m not that experienced (with these types of basses) but I’ve done this and it’s just a massive use of P-locks and finding sweet spots with LFO tempos and depth.

I don’t think this is exactly what you are after but maybe it will get you somewhere. For this example I used.

A=1.75 (level 60)
B= 3.00, 4.00 (Level 75)
Harmonics= -26

LFO1 is messing with Level of B
LFO2 is messing with Ratio of B

Drive=127 (E-knob on amp page 1)
100% Chorus

Maybe also check out the Preset on A:008 called “RBASS HZ”


Thanks for this, i think im getting quite close thanks to you :slight_smile:
But im using the envelopes of the synth and not the LFO but im still trying to get there. Is there any way to synchronize the bpm with the envelopes? No, right? I guess if you want it to be bpm synchro you should work with LFO if im not getting wrong.

You can try to “synchronise” enveloppes with trigless trigs and adjust amp decay release with p-locks to fit BPM.


The envelopes cannot be sync with BPM.
The LFOs can be used as an envelope by setting the mode to once. Since the LFOs are syncable that will probably solve your problem.



Have you figured out how to make this sound yet? Do you care to share?

That’s a rad bass sound!


Hello! Sadly im on travel and i will not come back until wednesday, so i cannot give you the exact data to get the sound. Anyway i didnt got that exact sound i got something different in different variations (i got like 3 different basses). The key is to play and use the plocks with the LFO. Try to experiment a little with the data that was published by Inetzel and you will get there :slight_smile:

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I’m still exploring but I found some helpful presets (DNK ones) like Jungle Bass DT and Disturbed Bass, they are good enough already but by modifying and combining those I get good neuro-like basses, now it’s time to study the parameters :face_with_monocle:


Hmmm. I can find Jungle Bass and Jungle Bass2, but not Disturbed Bass.

Uh… Sorry, maybe it’s not from DNK sounds, I got all official soundpack demos installed and don’t know where starts/end each one.

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np. I thought I made a mistake in loading the DNK sounds. I’ll look at the other soundpacks. Thanks!

I didn’t know anything about Neuro DnB, so I decided to try and learn a little by covering Opioid db’s piece. I hope I captured some of the feeling and sounds.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Are the neurobasses coming from the tone? This is epic? How didymium do that? I envy guys who actually know how to program this box and don’t have to rely on happy accidents!
Wow! Normally Neuorfunk basses are made out of resampling techniques and stuff. Great work mate!

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Hi! Im finally back from my trip. I think the bass you got is good and you got what i was asking for, maybe a bigger use of the plocks changing the speed of the LFO will improve it a little.
If you still want the bass i got let me know and i will post the numbers.
Im planning to get an usb mixer to record my music but for the moment i dont have any so i cant show you how it sound on my patterns. It will come in the next weeks.

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Now I want a Digitakt for my Digitone! Great sounds.

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Thanks digi_dave. Yes that’s all DN.

I started with Opioid db’s suggestion; namely,
BxB-> A-> C (algorithm 5), combine with envelopes + lfo on filter base and feedback.

I also tried to follow this flow chart as best as I could on the DN. Lots of FM and a detuned unison. The lfo on the filter base and on the synth distortion gave the filter movement and distortion. Finally the reverb and chorus gave it space.


Kernelchagi, I’ll try plocks to change the lfo speed and see how it sounds. Anxious to hear your bass.

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FWIW. I loaded the Digitone project sysEx file here.

You will be able to get the sounds from it. It needs to be loaded into a new project.