Microcosm | Hologram Electronics

I was gutted about that. Filter sweeps of glitched ambience seemed like an essential feature to me.

I just sold it.
I just spent a whole week trying to use it exclusively for some loop building and texture stuff with a bunch of various instruments. I went page by page through the manual, I watched a ton of videos to see how other people were using it, etcā€¦
It was never love at first sight for me, I fell for the hype and it was just kind of an ā€œok, thatā€™s pretty coolā€, and the things I mentioned in my post above.
So, I tried real hard to LOVE it, but it just never materialized. I think in the end, the lack of control over parameters and the filter thing, and the overall ā€œsame-nessā€ of the various effects just donā€™t wow me.
Like I said in my other post, I do like things that steer you on a journey, but I just didnā€™t really care about the journeys it was taking me on, I guess.

Iā€™ve got a Mood arriving on Monday to take itā€™s place. Weā€™ll see if that scratches the itch any better.

On an semi-related note, I posted in another thread that I recently picked up the Death by Audio Rooms. Now THAT was love at first sight. So I know what it feels like. Without even tweaking it, as soon as I turned off bypass with a synth going through the Rooms I just smiled. That rarely happens these days.

Those are the things Iā€™m chasing now. I want quality and I want to smile as soon as I turn it on.


Totally agree. No doubt itā€™s an awesome bit of kit in the right hands/situation, just not mine. I prefer the darker, more aggressive and brutal side of music recently so didnā€™t seem like the thing for that either!

Most definitely. The last time I has that was when I got DSI Evolver earlier this year. Actually this happened to me with all the gear Iā€™m still excited about when I think about it. It would be great if I had the mental strength to sell the rest of the stuff lying around, but that never was my strong point!

Yeah, for sure
I think the Microcosm does it for a lot of people, thatā€™s cool.
There just isnā€™t enough there to overcome what I donā€™t like about it.

Theyā€™ll still sell a sh1t ton of them

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I feel like itā€™s more aimed at people who donā€™t have time / knowledge and just want to have an insta-ambient-effect, hence they have sold loooads. But I donā€™t think itā€™s a pedal for people with high standards who are really particular about what theyā€™re creating. Taking cost into account, it was definitely the worst pedal I ever bought, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever re-sold something so fast.

I agree

Sometimes, I donā€™t mind gear that has knobs that are simply ā€œturns the effect up or downā€, but for some reason, that just doesnā€™t work for me on this pedal.

I probably didnā€™t give it a proper run but Ā£500 for something I wasnā€™t sure about after trying was hard to ignore (I funded a Nyx & Erebus mk1)

Anyone have a weird issue with it where it transposes the looper by -13 semitones instead of by an octave when changing the loop speed via shift + time?

Maybe itā€™s user error, and I havenā€™t been able to replicate it since, but the other day I was playing with it, and instead of shifting the loop in octaves, the loop went down by -13, making everything else sound out of tune.

Ricky Tinez

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Mark Johnston.

Hi, Iā€™m having an issue with sending program changes to the microcosm and Iā€™m hoping for a bit of help. Iā€™m able to manually control the microcosmā€™s program/preset selection by turning the program change knob on the MIDI section of the digitone. However when I trigger a new pattern that contains a different program, the program change always jumps to Haze #2 no matter what program number I have selected. Any suggestions?

Do you have a Trig on the first Step of your MIDI Track?

oh snap, thank you! new to MIDI on the DN and didnā€™t realize I needed to lay down a trig.

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Does it work now?

Weā€™re in business! Thanks buddy

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You can also p-lock the PC.

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Four Outputs on her Harp, itā€™s just amazing. Her Jam with 4 Hologram pedals (2 MC, IJ and DS) is mesmerizing. I love Emily Hopkins.


Did any one sort out how the Microcosm reliably starts with each new cycle of the Elektron sequencer? I always have a 50:50 chance that it will only play the first play of a sequence and then stop processing sound when the loop comes around for the second time.

My setup is Analog Four Headphone audio out mono - Microcosm audio out l/r - Digitakt Audio In l/r - Digitone Audio In - Headphone out Digitone into Headphone. And Midi Out AF - Midi In DT - Midi Thru DT - Midi In DN - Midi Out DN - Midi In Microcosm.