Microcosm | Hologram Electronics

This video definitely showed off how to use it musically, which actually piqued my interest.

What are the biggest gripes people have with it now?

Do the sounds eventually start sounding all same-y or is it still useful after the honeymoon period?

I still find it hugely useful for exploring source signals. That it is ‘limited’ by the permutations of the options the knobs provide is a plus in my view. Just enough constraint so you don’t get lost, and you’ll probably find yourself using a fraction of its potential as you’ll find routes you prefer.


A steppy Filter.

I’m still in love with that pedal and I still use it a lot. Sometimes, it’s subtle, sometimes, it’s the main thing (fully Wet).


@Tchu and @mokomo

Thanks for the context! Just grabbed one of the December production pre-orders, and looking forward it!

My two main plans for using it are rhythmically glitching out breakbeats (OT, Rytm, Nord Drum), and subtle textures on mixes melodic content, particularly before being process by the Zoia.

I was worried about the quiet output signal that keeps coming up in this thread too. Microcosm works great you just gotta keep playing around with it. I experienced this at first. After continuing to explore the pedal I realized it was just certain signals I was feeding the microcosm from my Digitakt weren’t ideal for the specific effect setting that was on.
Just make sure your effects volume is all the way up. Also having the reverb all the way wet can make it sounds pretty quiet depending on what’s going on.

The Microcosm can do A LOT of things- some settings don’t necessarily work so great in unison so you just gotta experiment with it if you’re having issues. It’s like a magic sword you gotta learn how to work your magic with it.

So far my favorite pedal.


Welcome to the Community @ariswim and after using it for several months now, I agree with what you wrote.

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Are there any pedals out there that do similar things to the Microcosm?

The Chase Bliss Mood is an interesting alternative.

montreal assembly count to 5 is a good one too, if you like unpredictable noodling with great results

Yeah, I really enjoy my Microcosm. I just wonder if I could create the same effects with something cheaper. I’ll look up these two, thanks for the suggestions.

You’d need like pedals… to sync them and drive them simultaneously… not cheaper in the end :wink:

Any suggestions?

so how many of you Microcosmers have decided to keep yours, and are there any lingering issues that should be considered if one is planning to get one?

Mine is staying, it’s really ideal to chew anything and spit atmospheric glitches.


Now you’re making me hungry.

Even with one setting, you can get very different results with various styles of input sounds…

have you had or are you having any issues that you hope the dev addresses with the pedal?

Not really. There are not that many controls, that’s true. A high pass / low pass filter would be better IMO.
But I think it sounds pretty good as is.

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Agree 100% that it would be super useful if they added a high-pass mode for the filter: I actually suggested this to Hologram when I was emailing them about the pedal when I first got it in January, and they said they’d “keep it in mind for future firmware updates”. Not holding my breath though, I’m sure they say that to every rando feature request haha! My tactic is to use it purely as a send effect that I can fix in the mix if required.

The control freak in me does wish I could get inside all the parameters that are trapped under macro controls and jimmy around with them, but I would equally say that each of the effects and the corresponding macros are pretty well tuned. I get incredible diversity just by sending lots of different things through it. Great on guitar (obv), great on synths, great on drums, does funky stuff with samples of all kinds.

I will say though, @captain8, I find the Arp and Seq effects fairly useless at all times, and they wear out their welcome pretty quickly due to their predictability (these guys would be so much better if you could modify the inaccessible parameters). The delays are not super great either, but not really what I want out of a box like this anyway. It’s worth the price of entry for Mosaic, Blocks, Interrupt, and the whole Granules section which all sound lovely. Glide has also surprised me in that I thought it would get old real quick, but it’s consistently great at slower speeds. Btw, syncing to clock is a must for this thing, and it’s also a lot nicer if you use MIDI to free the secondary controls from behind the shift button, but that’s the case for all these ‘guitar pedals that really should be desktop devices’. All in all, great pedal, no regrets.