Microcosm | Hologram Electronics

I’ve often thought about starting a thumbnail wankers hall of shame thread, but it’s a bit negative and bitchy for this sort of forum.

I’m much more comfortable pointing it out on a more ad hoc basis.


It’s your last post to @mpiecora that made me think of you.

Also, I’m wondering if people do this as a joke now.

Not a very funny one if they do.


People do it because there is an algorithm that YouTube uses that analyzes your thumbnail to decide where it ranks. Thumbs with faces on them get higher ranks, more contrast, and popping colors etc. You have very little room to tell a story and you want your thumbnail to do that in case people don’t read the description. So I’d say it’s not a joke but it definitely can feel a bit cringey when you are doing it.


Thanks for the explanation. It’s scary enough to think that the world is becoming dictated by algorithms.

You should crack on and say what you actually think

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I think everyone already knows what I think.

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You sure? That ad hoc basis is really hitting the spot?

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I have a problem with levels too. The fact I cannot trim the input is a pain the a**. I am feeding it with very hot signal (M32 and DFAM at 50% volume knob, which normally I use at 20% volume when entering pedals like Zen Delay and Empress Reverb) and it still lacks volume (peaking -18 on Ableton at max, usually between -30 and -18). I have had to set them at instrument level, live level it’s inaudible (-28 db on Ableton max) to being able to use it. FX level is always at max (which sometimes causes internal clipping). I could really use suggestions as how to tame it.

hmm that sounds odd.

I’m driving my 'Cosm from an Easel Command : main vol out / LPG gain staging is unaltered from where I normally have those set on the 208C. Then into my crappy old Yamaha mixer from the 'Cosm at a level pretty much similar to all my other gear… Mix level on the 'Cosm rarely gets above about 12 o clock. Sometimes 1 o clock if I really want lots of effect.

I just read on other forums that the quiet level is a common problem. Some people fixed it with a factory reset. Others say it depends on the effect and what you feed it. I will definetely try a factory reset today, let’s see if something changes.
Concerning the Mix, I use it way over 50% .
Strange thing is, even with the pedal bypassed (in true bypass mode) the audio is quieter than if I plug the instrument directely into the audio interface. I am thinking it attenuates the signal by a fixed threshold, probably to avoid internal clipping but the lack of control over this is quite frustrating. To make a comparison with Empress Reverb I have -10 db of attenuating always on and even with this I cannot push the m32 over 30/40% of it’s volume.

Something happening to mine is that very often I have to tweak buttons to get enough volume out. It’s like it’s not detecting or taking knob values in account atm.
Sometimes it’s the Mix knob i have to put lower and Max again and all of a sudden sound splashes out bursting my ears. Can be the Shape knob as well.

I’d be curious to hear the result of a factory reset for you. I did the same (several times) as well as a firmware update and the volume issue persisted, even in true bypass mode like you mentioned. I finally had enough a few weeks ago and sold the Microcosm to buy a Red Panda Particle v2. Couldn’t be happier. It had gotten to the point where just looking at the MC on my desk filled me with mild dread.

I will say that the customer support at Hologram was fantastic - super helpful and quick to assist with troubleshooting (they even sent me a USB to MIDI cable at no charge for the firmware update).

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hmm all curiouser & curiouser…

Mine’s a fairly new unit - only got it just before Christmas…? Wonder if that’s got anything to do my ( so far ) lack of issues ?

Still didn’t try the factory reset but I was quietly noodling with it during my launch break and I was using Digitakt like Red Means Recording does in its video. Using mainly GLITCH algorithms I was able to get good volumes out of it (to the point that I had to reduce the FX level) and the more transients I put in the more it was responding. It is true that it was going through Digitakt’s compressor so maybe that can explain the higher levels. But maybe it is true that it attenuates in entrance to avoid too much internal clipping when the fxs start kicking in (and I find myself having to noodle around or pressing the hold button to make them REALLY kick in).
Damn this thing is incredibly weird.
But when you make it work it leaves you speechless, I just survived a full “crazy exploding glitches” moment with percussions that I don’t know how to trigger again, It was so cool but I couldn’t replicate it.


yes this is exactly what i wanted to see :slight_smile: i ordered a microcosm a couple of weeks ago.thanks for the vid

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Factory reset tested yesterday. I can definetely say there has been an improvement. I think I gained between 4 and 6 DB (on ableton rms meter). Dunno what changed, global settings used:
-Mono Input (with mono cable)
-Instrument Input (with Line the level it’s still too quiet)
-True Bypass
I also noticed more reactivity on the microloops. I am really puzzled about what happened, maybe there were some stucked settings from the previous owner.

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great - hopefully making progress!

I know this is stating the obvious : but you have got the latest firmware installed, yes ?

I think so, because it arrived to the previous owner with the June batch, when the last firmware was updated. But I will try to update it again anyway.

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