
Well doesn’t this look great. A tracker with dexed and braids along with many other features. Sadly I’ve no ability to build one but be interesting to see how much built ones will go for


i don’t trust anything runnig generic OSes – and this thing is certainly Linux-based.
but looks super cool.

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I don’t think Teensy can run linux.

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the files are there on the github, looks to be all arduino files.

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it is genuinely amazing what’s possible with a Teensy 4.1

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The Dirtywave m8 also uses a teensy, and it’s a m a z i n g.

another great (and more fully formed at this point) example.

if you’re as old as me and were around to own a 48k spectrum running at 3 and a bit Mhz it’s kinda mind-blowing that that much oomph is so tiny and costs about thirty quid

teensy?! my bad. seems like i remember teensy from too old days

I thought this was a spin off from the microdosing thread.