
Been thinking about it. My friends mother exchanged a 40 year cocaine habit with microdosing psylocebin with great results and talked her son into swapping his alcoholism and chainsmoking with it and he is a new wonderful man now. He had 2 strokes and his doctor said get healthy or die. Havent met him since before covid but talking with him on the phone makes me really happy cuz he was semiretarded for years and now a total dynamo.


Thinking about snorkling in Mexico on shrooms very intensely now. What a dream. Hi little pretty turtle.


That’s awesome! I didn’t know it can be that helpful with addictions. Did they eventually fade the microdosing as well without going back to those addictions?

Not sure but I texted the dude just now and told him I want in. Im so extremely stressed out so I think it would be good for me.

Well, even if not, anything is better than alcoholism.


@48 years old, I’m much more of a heroic dosing fellow.

Mushrooms and dmt are extraordinarily safe. The LD50 (lethal dose) for psilocybin is so enormous you’d be far to full to eat enough to harm you.

Driving to work is extremely dangerous.

There’s something extra special about psychedelics. We are explorers, telling tales of our journeys to uncharted regions doing our best to describe things that transcends language.

It’s absolutely incredible!
Good on you for dipping you toes in the water, the water is VERY NICE :star_struck:


This thread feels fantastic.


There’s SO MANY Terrence McKenna talks posted to YouTube. If you’re really fascinated by the stuff, definitely listen to the guy who was brave enough to jumpstart the whole thing into modern day culture.

Very intelligent philosopher who’s also fucking hilarious.

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His album with Spacetime Continuum is also quite fun. Not his best talks but still an awesome collaboration nonetheless.

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I feel like one of the best ones is a later one where he’s in Hawaii talking with an audience.
It’s borderline stand up comedy.
I read all his stuff in the 90s.
These days I listen to talks frequently when going to bed.
After a while you definitely feel like you’ve heard the bulk of his ideas.
That’s why I really like the stand outs where he’s riffing off the audience.

Ok so its arrived at Terence McKenna. Its all downhill from here.

Yep, Im a cynical ex tripper that went to too many raves and festivals and heard way toomany Terrance McKenna samples crowbared into psytrance stuff.

Having said that, LSD made me stop smoking cigarettes. Weren’t no microdose though. Haven’t smoked since, best thing I ever did. Tobacco is a Foul substance.


Yeah, but have you put on an eyemask and used earplugs and vaped 50mg of dmt?
Or eaten Harmaline and dmt, eyes shut in the dark, NO MUSIC?

There’s so much more to see and hear without all the distractions.


All my best trips were on my own. Used to make my own DMT. No distractions. Been there.


It’s freaking fascinating

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Yes and no.
All it does is break down the usual code that the brain uses to create consensus reality, to save RAM. Very efficient. In the absence of that code, the brain doesnt know what to do so it just makes up random bollocks. Machine elves, ufos, pillars of light, fractals etc.


That’s one way to think about it.
Sounds very cynical indeed.

I’m completely mystified by it.
Although I’m quite the skeptic myself, I’m not so quick to define things and resolve the mystery.

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Oh dont worry, I was a mystified psychonaut for years. Totally cosmic (man) then I read some of the lastest science on the matter and yeah, it bursts the bubble a little bit :wink:


I just want some shrooms.

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What have you been micro dosing??
I’ve been micro dosing mushrooms for a few years now. I make a little mix with a bunch of other beneficial mushrooms. I usually dose every other day or so.

It hasn’t bursted mine