
…the dose makes the poison…

there a no bad drugs…just bad dosing and bad decisions on timing, people and sourrounding…

while strict microdosing of liquid hoffmans, psyllos or keta is medication and can work wonders…but that’s all statistics, big pharma can’t profit from and why all this remains underneath all official radar…

but hey, there’s always an exitstrategy from all the shitshows…


Grow them


That’s what my buddies used to do. Not sure where they got spores.

A general internet search will provide everything you need to get started.
YouTube is jam packed with info.

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This worked for me about 15 years ago, it was easy and fun. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m far from an expert of any kind regarding psilocybin, but came across some interesting research being done at Johns Hopkins University recently - Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research

Here’s a long-form interview with the founder of the research centre, Prof. Roland Griffiths.

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It’s fascinating stuff!
When it works for people, it does things years of therapy doesn’t achieve.
Nothing kicks addiction in the face like a few fat doses and someone with a smidgen of willingness, and lots of hashing it over with the right people.


I am microdosing booze :+1:

This is flat out not true. Psilocybin, DMT, LSD…they reduce brain activity, yes. Amongst the affected areas are networks that contribute to the filtering out of stimuli coming into and being processed by our cognitive, conscious mind. So one way to look at it is that more real-world stimuli reach your conscious mind, not less. What you experience after is hardly “random bollocks the brain makes up” — inner eye visuals (eg fractal landscapes), emotional effects (eg increased nature relatedness etc) and physical effects (eg body load and extra-sensory perception) are often remarkably consistent across the board. Especially these entheogenic substances have the power to transform an individual’s self-image and worldview positively in a single sitting, let alone the many accounts of resolving addiction and PTSD with a single application, that’s hardly “random bollocks.”

There are cave paintings in Ireland that are over 10,000 years old that depict your usual geometric patterns experienced on psilocybin…again, quite consistent that is.


I like microdosing psilocybin, I find it makes all the other drugs more fun.


Ok, time to microdose Elektronauts.


It’s worth looking into volumetric dosing if you’re using tabs as those little guys don’t usually have an even spread on them

Have 10mg microdosed LSD stamps.

Cant start using them on a regular basis because drink coffee a lot. Heard that they arent too good to combine.

Also when I take a stamp, theres a big chance of getting some kind of small depersonalization by the end of the day. Like you go deeper inside and cant focus on something, this is somewhat familiar to a very mild drunk state. Maybe this happened exactly because of coffee.

10mg! :exploding_head:


Suddenly the clairvoyance thread makes a lot more sense :rofl:


10μg, surely?

10mg is a lot of acid.


Microdosing? Where im from this is called getting baked :wink:


Yeah I have a vaporiser that people recommend for microdosing (Vapman)…every time I microdose with it I’m having a great time :joy:


Same for me, less distraction, more introspection.

Vapman :hearts:

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