Microtonal Blofeld

Is there an efficient way of applying a quarter tone microtonality to any Blofeld program?

Keytrack 50%?


Thank you, but is there way that you know of to program it individually so that for instance, three keys between C and Bb will move in quarter tones but the rest of the octave will move in semitones? Or split the keyboard so that a few octaves are microtones and a few of them are semitones?

My Blofeld is in a box with flaky knob syndrome, but I think it is with difficulty you will get that flexibility with any synth. Something very expensive like the Lumatone controller might do it microtonally.

Poster above is spot-on about keytrack. The Blofeld keytrack is per oscillator? You can’t get exactly what you’d like, but you will be able to tune each one individually so then you can have e.g. a low osc at 25% i.e 48 notes to the octave for super fretless bass and adjust others to taste. Also, if you feed into a calculator 12x1000 ÷ xx, you can work out what keytrack percentages give good results for other tunings. 16 et is worth trying.

The other use of keytrack for working microtonally is that if you’re triggering the Blofeld from a latched arpeggiator e.g., you can keytrack the oscillators so that the sequence sounds nice rather than, um, calling attention to itself (unless that’s what you want) rather than picking the tuning and then having to work out by trial and error what’s going on notewise. It may not help you, but I visualize the 3 oscs of the Hydrasynth as being like 3 guitar strings you’re tuning with a load of separately distanced frets.

Yes, make a keysplit with multiple programs set to the tracking required in different zones.