MID Machine Help

So I’ve been playing w/ my new MD UW+ and now it’s onto MID Machines. I’ve got three MID machines setup on triggers 13, 14 and 15. One’s talking to my Sub37 on MIDI channel 4 (MID Machine 4) one to my MS-20 Mini on MIDI channel 1 (MID Machine 1) and one to my TR-8 on MIDI channel 10. (MID Machine 10)

I know they’re setup correctly because when I’m not in grid record mode or live record mode and hit any of the triggers, I hear the associated synth/TR-8 play what I’m expecting. (as well as see the MIDI light activate on my Sub37 and the audio routing on my ADAT lights up in the correct spot) However, when I set up a trig for any of those MID machines within a pattern, I get nothing. No sound, no MIDI light, no audio obviously. Tracks are not muted. Hitting start on the MD even starts the sequencer on the TR-8, but for some reason, pattern-based triggers won’t work. Each machine has the default MID machine velocity, which appears to be 100. Notes are set in the audible range. PB is middle, no mod wheel and no aftertouch. All CCs are off. Basically, it’s just the default MID Machine data where the only thing I"ve changed is the note. No p-locks, I’m in classic mode and pattern mode.

Any ideas? I know it’s got to be something dumb that I’ve missed after reading through the manual on MID machines as well as searching here and google for similar issues.


nevermind, I figured it out after taking a break and futsing around with some other stuff.

My MIDI patchbay can get hung up a bit and needed re-setting. Either that or changing to a different global slot and then back did the trick.