MIDAS DM Mixer with Pedal Effekt

hey !! there is a cheap analog desk and the question arises, how exactly is a pedal such as the eventide space connected? the desk has two aux inputs, but no returns …? so how is the pedal connected? does it have to go from the aux of the mixer into the eventide input and from the eventide output into one or two channels of the mixer?

That desk has 2 aux sends, one of these would go to the input of your FX pedal.
You’d then take the 2 outputs of the pedal and bring them back into the desk using one of the 2 stereo channels it has (9-10 or 11-12).


Thanks very much!! so channels have to be used for this.

Yes, and even if it had returns you might wanna use channels anyway so that you can eq the fx, and send it to another fx pedal, for example.


Or you use the inserts


… I have another very embarrassing question … :crazy_face: if I want to connect the heat to the master, what does the routing look like here?

and also the ot should be connected and also signals from the mixer to the ot! maybe someone can still answer that?

you could connect an Analog Heat to the mixer’s master outputs by using the “Insert” jacks on the master outputs

as to connecting an Octatrack, you could use both Aux outputs as inputs to the Octatrack (or just use one, if you want only need to sample mono signals into the OT)

alternatively, you could plug and unplug cables as needed, to do whatever signal routing is needed in the moment

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Thank you!! This also means that if the OT is to serve as a recording device, among other things, the aux inputs have to be given for it, where the Eventide is actually attached: /, that’s a shame - but is there any perfection? i never believe in all areas.

Limitations push creativity…

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it is not that a big mixer also
if that situation (the aux inputs have to be given for it, where the Eventide is actually attached: /, that’s a shame) bothers you , you can sell the mixer and buy one with more inputs ,aux, etc

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Yeah, very few things are really “perfect”

Having insert points is a big plus, as you also have the option of connecting the OT to the insert points on the master outputs… but, of course, that arrangement has drawbacks as well…

Personally, I’d recommend a 16-channel mixer, and one with “group” channels as well as Aux sends - something like a Mackie CR1604 would give a lot of options, but that means buying a used mixer, which will probably need some minor servicing.

Depending on where you live, you may have some options for used gear, or you may not :slight_smile: everyone’s situation will be different. You also may not want the hassles that come with used gear… it’s usually not possible to test every single switch and jack and routing combination on a 16-channel (or more) mixer when you’re buying it used.

But the Midas you linked in the initial post would work fine as a simple mixer to mix multiple sources to send to an Eventide or Octatrack or Analog Heat, and it gives you two Aux sends, plus insert points… so it’s a decent “starter” mixer to use for trying out that kind of workflow, but eventually, I bet you’ll want something a little bigger or with more sends or with group channels…

hey! yes, that might be a possibility to buy an old mixer used. My setup includes a Rytm MK1, here I want to keep all signals in the Rytm in order to apply the compression and distortion from the Rytm to the complete drums. the A4 MK1 should go through the OT in order to be able to use the effects, etc. the heat should only be sent to the master in between times, I would like to use the analog filter for certain areas, so you can unplug it. the last is the korg modwave, which is there for surfaces. the good thing here is that the modwave has good effects and also eq and compressor … the effects are cool on the devices and the eventide serves as a huge space for strong reverbs. It shouldn’t be more, because this dawless setup has been thought through for a long time and that’s a good thing. I can cover everything. the modwave goes really well with the analog elektron gear, because the sound is not so insubordinate, that was completely different with the blofeld than with wavetable. So somehow it should be possible that I can operate these devices optimally via the midas without the workflow being disturbed … the choice of the midas is also because the eqs with the cheap mixer shouldn’t be bad here and because I really do apart from the analyzer, I don’t have anything to do with the daw, that’s a good feature. in the daw only the entire signal for mastering should be recorded.

it is this mixer that is used …

hey! another question. :wink: You meant that I only have to go from one aux output to the pedal and from the pedal to the two outputs into the stereo channel, which cable do I need for the aux connection? because on the manual of the eventide the whole thing is different with returns. the mixer doesn’t arrive here until tomorrow.

Just standard 1/4” jack cables.
One from Aux 1 send to the pedal input (L is usually mono).
Then 2 from the L:R outputs of the pedal into a stereo channel on the desk. (Or use 2 mono channels panned L and R if you want to add EQ from the desk, or send the effect back to itself).

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great, thank you !

Hey, sry, but I have to ask again! And although I go from the master inserts to the heat and the heat receives a signal, the master faders on the mixer no longer react in this way, there is also no deflection. but the sound goes through the heat and everything can be heard and affected via the heat, which is actually ok. but why is there no more rash on the mixer, what is the correct routing here? I’ve tried everything possible with the minitor out, but that didn’t work. so the master faders from the mixer suddenly have no more influence, even when they are at the bottom …

did you use a audio insert cable?

Thank you for your feedback! I’ve already figured it out, I’m sure I’m using the wrong cable …

yep the cable from the picture is the wrong one
you should look for one of these:

I’m trying to do that with this cable, but it doesn’t work optimally here either, can you say where exactly I connect it to the mixer and heat?