Midi 2.0

His name was Tesla, like 100 years ago. There are other ways too. By the way the Sun does a pretty good job transmitting power 93 million miles without wires.

But we’re all off topic.

Topic : MIDI 2.0.


Doesn’t matter where he is. Shouldn’t take him too long to get here.

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While obviously the bits about wireless power were a joke, if I’ve learned anything about show tech over the past however many years, it’s mostly to avoid wireless anything unless you really need it. So many opaque failure modes, and that’s before we look at latency and jitter. I think Dante has the right idea, by refusing to run over anything it thinks might be a wireless network.

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MIDI 2.0 is transport agnostic. Outside of being able to meet basic requirements, and having that transport shared between devices, the standard is open. Whether it be a USB, Ethernet, A2B, ( ADDED : wireless ) or some other transport is really dependent on those actually making the hardware. That is both an advantage and potentially a disadvantage, if manufacturers fail to coalesce on a standard.


Kind of like people agreeing on a topic.

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How long have we been talking about MIDI 2.0? I started getting into music 2006, and we were talking about it then.

Both a driver and an API. The driver in this case is to be USB, but there is a reason you make something like this a driver.

AMEI home page


In a comment on their KIckstarter page Aodyo was asked about supporting MIDI 2.0.

Their response : Probably not on initial release. We still need to evaluate the work to be done to comply with MIDI 2.0 compatibility.

This is a very exciting possibility. I know Glen Darcey in comments he made on a video has investigated what MIDI 2.0 would require to be supported by the Hydrasynth. The Anyma Omega from Aodyo ( thread ) has an interface that would fit with MIDI 2.0 capabilities.

Could the Omega be one of the first MIDI 2.0 capable hardware synths ?


This is very true, and those three will for the most part skip MPE.

Those three in that order. The MPE niche is for real, but transitional.

For other smaller manufacturers, like Expressive E — the topic of the post i am responding to — they need to keep their heads up, and be ready to adapt their existing product base and shift with change. Existing MPE products do make a good place of beginning though for this transition, and function in the market very nicely. The rate of the transition so far has been happening at a glacial pace.


Ya…I thought they would jump on 2.0.
A little disappointed. Been waiting/watching for a LONG time.


Is NAMM 2023 going to be the big MIDI 2.0 rollout? :smile:

I’d love to stop thinking about buying secondary devices to improve timing, sync and reliability. MIDI 2.0 can’t come soon enough for me.