MIDI and Push 2

I just recently bought my Digitone as my first synth so bare with me…

I’m trying to figure out if it’s possible to control my Digitone from another device in MIDI. I have a Push 2 and can’t seem to figure it out. I’ve read a couple threads on here about it but still no luck. I even came across this thread - Elektron integration with Ableton Push 2
but I can’t figure it out.

Can someone guide me the right way?

What exactly are you struggling with? :slight_smile: hook up your digitone to your computer with the USB cable, enable midi for it in ableton live, open a new midi track and select digitone in the send midi to drop down menu in Live.



just to add up to the problem, i’m a new DN user :).
Your answers are quite precise, but i just can figure this out.
Using OB DN plugin, and cant get Push2 to play/control different tracks T2 -T4 when i change them directly on DN. I can only play T1.


I have this exact problem. I can only get it to play T1 even when I change the track on the Digitone. Someone please help us!

You need to send the midi from Ableton to the auto channel. You can see/set your auto channel on the Digitone settings screen in the midi settings/channels. Make a new midi track in Ableton with an external instrument on it set to send midi to the Digitone on that channel, not the overbridge plugin. It should play whatever track you have selected on the Digitone that way. Works for me at least. You can route the audio several ways, either from the overbridge plugin as a whole of all the Digitone tracks or on a per track basis and use Ableton effects on each track individually. The Digitone effects are a bus so they will include all the tracks. If you want to have the sounds separated from the effects you’ll need to go into Digitone settings/audio routing and disable the 4 tracks from going to the master, then you can have all four sounds dry on their own track and a track with the effects only. Hope that helps a little👍

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Try setting Ableton Live up like this screenshot. This is using Overbridge to get the audio from each Digitone track on a separate track in Live, and also to control midi on each track in the Digitone via midi.

First go to settings > Audio Routing on the Digitone, and leave the menu highlighted on “Route to Main”.

Press the 4 track buttons on the Digitone so they turn red. You’ll see the screen says Route to Main 3/7 - this stops the audio going to the Digitone Master, so you can have them on separate tracks in Ableton.

Then go to Ableton and create 4 audio tracks, and 6 midi tracks.

Add the Overbridge VST to the first midi track. For this example, name that midi track “Digi Master” -set the midi input to none.

Go to the first audio track you just created and choose “Digi Master” as the input source, then select Track 1 L/Digitone in the next box. click the “in” button below it. Then go to track 2, do the same, but select Track 2 L/Digitone in the second box, then do the same for 3 and 4 - selecting Track 3 L/Digitone and Track 4 L/Digitone.

Audio from the Digitone tracks will now play on separate tracks in Ableton, and the effects will play in the “Digi Master” track.

Now go to the 2nd midi track you created, the one after the Digitone VST track. Name it “Digitone Auto Channel” and select “Elektron Digitone” (or whatever your Ableton named the midi input form the Digi) as the destination, and set it to midi channel 10.

If you want to use Push 2 or a keyboard to record into the Digitone’s sequencer, use this track - it will send the midi to whatever track you have selected on the Digitone.

Now go to the 3rd midi channel you created, Set the output to “Digi Master”, and set the midi channel to 1. Do the same to the remaining 3 channels, and set them to midi channel 2, 3, and 4 respectively.

These tracks will now send midi to each of the 4 Digitone tracks. You can use these to record midi in Ableton for each track if you don’t want to use the Digitone sequencer, or if you want to send extra midi data to each channel from Ableton as well as using the Digitone sequencer.


Respect. Thank you for your time. Works flawless!!!



Hi, I’m trying this configuration,

but there’s something that it is not the same on my corner…

When I try to select midi from, ‘Electron Digitone’ doesn’t appears on the midi input. In fact, when I go to Ableton Preferences, on the midi side I see no Digitone there. Is it normal? ( If I try the normal midi option without overbridge, then it appears, but not in overbridge mode…)

My goal would be to play the four DN tracks and being capable, at same time, to see the plugin window and change things… As for now, I can be on one of the midi tracks created to play clips for DN and play that track, but I’m not in the track of the plugin, so I can’t see the parameters…and if I’m in the plugin track, it only plays the first track, selecting others tracks in the plugin has no effect… any help? :thinking:
…and I have the same problem with the A4 plugin… :sleepy: :joy:

Wow, I followed your tips and it worked! Thank you! The screen shot helped a lot.

Would I do the same for the Digitakt?

Hi, I’ve tried all this and it works great. However, my Digitone doesn’t seem to record the notes I’m playing into it. I’ve got “receive notes” checked off, but still no dice. Anybody else have this problem?