Midi and the M:C

My M:C is coming by mail in a couple week! Yay
2 questions:

1- I can connect trough usb to send midi signal to the M:C. Can I send midi signal from the computer on a different channel and the M:C will send that signal to the midi trough? Using the M:C as a usb/midi adaptor?

2- I don’t see in the midi implementation way to change patterns. I was hoping I could make some sort of song mode from the OT sending pattern change to the M:C. Are there other cool trick I can do with the midi form the OT to the M:C? I realize that I now have all the LFO from the OT to be sent to the M:C and the OT effect from a thru track to expand the sound of of the M:C.

Anyway - looking forward to start experimenting with the OT + M:C and the computer midi -> M:C galore.

  1. Should work fine. The M:C output port should be set to midi thru, and it will forward all the input midi to the output (but it won’t merge the midi coming from the M:C sequencer with that).

  2. M:C pattern change is via midi program change. I know nothing about the OT, but it sounds like you’re familiar with that.

Yeah you should be able to change patterns via program changes. I know the DT has this capability so i’m assuming the OT does as well.

I though it was not possible to receive the pattern change on the M:C as I only looked at the appendix, but reading your answer I went back to the doc

MIDI program change messages 0–95 selects pattern 1–96 (A01–F16) on the Model:Cycles.

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