Midi/audio sync offset in overbridge

Is there a way to offset the overbridge audio timing in relation to the midi sequencer when controlling other synths with the digitone?

Using ableton?..

What I tried so far:

  • overbridge clock + overbridge audio = accurate digitone audio but huge delay when recording the other synths

  • Ableton clock sync + overbridge audio = tweaking sync offset to get spot on recordings of external synths results in significant delay in overbridge audio (this is what I’m asking, if there’s a way to compensate for this in ableton)

  • Ableton clock sync + soundcard audio = this is the best solution so far as both external synths and digitone audio get shifted together and recorded with the same latency. Problem is that I can’t use overbridge audio.

It seems that the best way to do this would be have a sync option in overbridge that would delay the overbridge sound by the same amount of the audio card latency, or even better, have this as a tweakable parameter to adjust for different setups.

Have you found a good solution for this?

ok, found a workaround by using track delay and 2 audio tracks per channel. You can add track delay to the first track and then route that to the second one. If you record audio on that second one it’ll be in sync with everything else.

is there a more elegant solution? any way to delay incoming audio before it actually gets recorded in the track?