Midi CC/Prgm Changes (sequencing a Dark Energy Legato)

Hey There,

I want to use my MD to sequence my Doepfer Dark Energy 2.
The Dark Energy has a Legato Mode which can be turn on by program change 5 (counting 0 to 127) and Midi CC 68.
When using Ableton Live the Dark Energy 2 is by default in Legato mode and i can turn it on/off just by controlling midi cc 68, the program change doesnt matter.
When using the Machinedrum the Legato mode is by default turned off (that should be the ‘regular’ default according to the manual of the dark energy), but i cant find a way to turn legato on with the Machinedrum.

-the Machinedrum is sending MIDI to the Dark Energy on channel 1 (on channel 2 there’s another synth)
-the midi track has two notes for test purposes, the notes are long enough that a legato should happen

  • in the effects page of the midi track midi cc 68 is turned to 127
  • in the routing page the program change is turn to 5 (i also tried to just keep it at 0)
  • in the global menu program changes are enabled (“out”)
  • midi ccs in general seem to work though cause i can control the sustain cc with the machinedrum (theoreticly i can achieve somekind of limited legato effects with the sustain cc but thats not really nice to work with…)

Thank for any help,

The note length is the problem; the MD’s MIDI output notes do not overlap. See here:


that really sucks. the workaround with 2 midi tracks is not really handy at all.
thanks for the quick response, though!