MIDI CC : Sequence Fill?

Does anyone know if there is a way to midi sequence the fill parameter?
I’m using RYTM as the Master with my looping setup and sometimes I’m busy playing a piano or guitar and can’t engage a Fill. I’m hoping there is a CC for it (didn’t see it in the manual though) that I could trigger from a foot pedal or sequence from ableton.


As far as I can tell, all CC control of the Trig parameters was broken with the last OS update.
Some of the CCS that were supposed to control trig parameters now control LFO parameters, its a mess.
But maybe when it gets fixed (“soon” was the word from support) , the trig conditions parameter might get a CC number, I guess CC6 would be logical.

Right on. Thank you Bin. I hadn’t messed with the trig page in terms of CCs. My MIDI rig is so complicated right now that I would have probably pulled a hundred wires before realizing the issue was the RYTM.


would be really cool if there was a midi CC for the fill parameter :wink:


It seems like a simple question but I can’t find the answer - what is the MIDI CC to activate “fill mode” on the Rytm/ A4?

There is none


I wish

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More than that, I wish that you could link Fill Mode from one Elektron device (Master) to the others. One Fill mode to launch them all. That was one of my Feature Request.


If there was a CC this would be an easy one! :smiley:
Added bonus - You could record fills in OB and playback an entire performance just by recording the midi messages! :smiley:

+1 :pray:t3:


I’ve created a Max4Live Device to control all Performance Parameters (Mute, Scene, Perf) from one device and I’m surprised that it is not possible to control Fill over CC.

Since 2 Month I’m ARMK2 User and will change my setup from NI Maschine to AR MK2. Currently I am very happy but the missing cc for Fill is a big functional restriction for me.

Please add!

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Hey, I would be super interested to check your device (even if it’s messy) !
I’m working on mine but struggling with the multi channel approach.

Yes, the multi channel handling is a mess inside Ableton Live and M4L. Additionally the scene, mute and performance controller are all on different channels for the Rytm.

my device is currently far from “messy” :wink: but i’ve started with some changes which are currently in the final stage.

My solution:

At the beginning I had a device that stores 64 Presets of Mute/Solo, Scene and Performance combination, received by 2 dedicated devices to send the Midi CC To the Rytm.

Then I want, for live performance, to control a drum rack with the same device. So I’m added additional buttons to control 16 Drum chains (instead of 12 for Rytm). Mute will control the mute of the Drum Chain, Scene changes the scene of the Instrument Rack and performance changes the Parameter (up to 16 with Live 11). Everything without manual mapping only place the device in from of the drum rack. Out channels will be set automatically based on the name of the drum chain name (ending with 1,2,3,…)

But as you can see i have to add the additional 4 Performance controls.
It’s always necessary to work with receiver devices as workaround in Live.


Looks impressive.
I’d love to take a look to it ! Not necessarily to use it, but to get some inspiration. Feel free to DM me.
I recently discovered a wonderful trick to route several channels and I’d be curious to see how’s the routing done.

So many updates and new units,
but still no Midi CC to control Fill on the AR2. That’s a small cheap update with a hugh benefit. IMO