MIDI CC via thru output?

hey folks!

I’m wondering if anyone has had any luck with sending MIDI CC messages via the thru output to external gear.

I have the Circuit Rhythm sending clock to the OT, and I’m using channel 8 on the Circuit Rhythm to control the Moog Minitaur. This does fine coming out of the THRU output on the OT.

I’m like to use the OT to send CC messages to the Minitaur, so I can program certain steps to change various settings on the Minitaur for a more dynamic performance.

I can do this using the MIDI OUT rather than thru, but then the notes from the Circuit Rhythm don’t make it to the Minitaur.

Any tips welcomed! Thanks!

Midi thru is strict that it only passes whats coming to the midi IN of the - in this case - OT. Thru cannot pass OT-derived midi commands.

If I understand your layout correctly, you’ll want a midi merger to send

CIRCUIT midi out->OT midi in
OT midi out ->midimerge in1
OT midi thru->midimerge in2
Midimerge out1->minitaur midi in

Is one way to do it, I THINK!


If you use the same channel as the midi track, incoming midi data is sent by midi out.

Circuit channel 8, midi out > OT IN midi track channel 8

OT out > Synth in (channel 8).

(make sure audio track 8 channel is off or different from 8, in MIDI > CHANNELS. No audio track with channel 8, otherwise the midi track can’t receive midi)


No way!!! Gotta try this.

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Also works in audio mode. :wink:

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thanks for all your tips! gonna try it out!

hey there, i’m trying this out but its not working in audio mode, only midi. any ideas?

What i’m doing is sending midi OUT from the Circuit to the octatrack midi in. Then I have midi OUT from the octatrack going ot the minitaur, which is set to channel 8.

In Midi mode, the Minitaur recieves the midi, but not in audio.

In mdid–channels auto is set to channel 8

Probably a bad idea. :wink: