Midi connectivity

Ive got an ms-20 connected to the Machinedrum’s Midi Out and its Signal Out into Machinedrums audio IN A, what else do I need to do? I have mid 1 Machine on Track 1, and the Ms-20m shows a light flickering everytime a step is triggered, but I hear no sound whatsoever. Help

Take the output of your MS20 into a mixer to check whether it has audio out.

its a mini, ive played it before and checked it. it does

So it possibly has something to do with the MD input settings?

You need another track to play input-a. There are three external input machines available. Set one of those up on track 2. You can set track 1 to trigger track 2 so that it’s open and playing - the external input machine needs to be triggered to pass sound through. I can’t remember the full details right now but look at the external-inputs portion of the manual for details.

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Are you triggering the INP-A machine where you are receiving the signal from the ms-20? Just a trigger on the first step of the pattern will do.


Ive placed track 1 as INP-GA and track 2 as MID-1, still no response with both tracks having trigs on them.

this is so frustrating, i need help asap

I am sure you already checked the input volume and gate sensitivity (which should be all the way to the left - i.e. to let everything pass though - as a starting point). From your description it seems an issue with the INP-GA side of things rather than the MID one - the latter is easy to check anyway as I guess you can hear sound coming out of the ms-20. Make sure you have a nice loud sound coming out of the ms-20. (also to exclude that you’re sending a pitch too low or other MIDI data that makes the ms-20 produce just inaudible noise).
Other things that comes to mind:

  • try with another sound source as input to the INP-GA? Could even be an output of the MD itself fed back into input A.
  • try other cables?

Ok i finally resolved this issue. The issue was not related to MID or INP-GA. The patch i had been running on my ms20 was a frequency that was being squelched by the MD. Thanks a lot guys


@SPF808 since you got this figured out, you might be interested in this loophole:

check http://tarekith.com/assets/machinedrum_tipsandtricks.htm for “Using an Input and MIDI Machine on the same track”

Note that via midi input of machinedrum you can issue a sysex message to assign a particular machine to a channel so it is even possible to have that work with a single kit if you have external midi device which can send that sysex string.